Will Oldham/Bonnie “Prince” Billy joins me to talk about devotion and music in everyday life on AEWCH 237!

12 Sep



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Leaving the series of episodes on horror, now we’ll turn to another form of art that plays on in our astral world, that world of emotions and the heart: MUSIC. For a few episodes, I’ll be talking about music with some of my favorite musicians. But these won’t be the standard chats about the latest album or touring; instead, we’ll talk about music itself and how it lives in the lives of these artists, my life, your lives, and life itself.

Each episode will also feature a spotify playlist here in the show notes, with some of my favorite songs by the featured artist.

To kick it off, I talk with someone who has played so many kinds of music and created so many different sorts of songs. WILL OLDHAM, also known as BONNIE “PRINCE” BILLY, is one of the most thoughtful and prolific musical artists of our time.

If you’re unfamiliar with Will’s output, it comes in many assemblages and sounds and songs across nearly three decades. In his primary body of work as Bonnie “Prince” Billy, but also in dozens of directly collaborative works with other artists like Bill Callahan, Tortoise, Matt Sweeney, Dawn McCarthy, and more. He’s also made multiple albums under the band names Palace, Palace Music, Place Brothers, and more. Additionally, Will has been in movies, TV, music videos, and has written and been featured in several books, including the book of (most of) Will’s lyrics – at turns beautiful, sorrowful, absurd, hilarious – Songs of Love and Horror: Collected Lyrics of Will Oldham.

There is so much in the episode, friends. I am so happy to share it with you, and to start this series.


One with the Birds • Behold! Be Held! • Work Hard/Play Hard • OD’d in Denver • Love Comes To Me • Willow, Pine and Oak • West Palm Beach • Devoted to You • Life in Muscle • Love is the first law • There are worms in your circle • We Won’t Go Quietly • Unlearning Chant • Kidnapped by Neptune • All the Trees of the Field Will Clap Their Hands • Rubin and Cherise • Kentucky is Water •


Here’s a truly great talk given by Will, to young people, via the Louisville Academy of Music (plus a great Q&A). The site with the most info on Will and his various projects is THE ROYAL STABLE , but there’s also plenty on his website and the Drag City (his label’s) page. Along with the huge book of Will’s lyrics linked above, there’s a book of interviews with Will conducted by Alan Licht, entitled Will Oldham on Bonnie Prince Billy. Will also appeared way back on episode 264 of The Duncan Trussel Family Hour. Will’s children’s book, Shorty’s Ark, is a collaboration with Lori Domiano – who also did the illustration you see below. Will’s also in multiple films, including (briefly!) in one of my very very favorites, Junebug. Finally, here’s Will’s 15 favorite movies in the Criterion Collection.

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