Tag Archives: goals

Last call!! ∴ WAVEFORM ONE-ON-ONE MENTORSHIP ∵ disappears forever on December 15! Only five spots available. Work with me or give the mentorship as a gif!

4 Dec

My one-on-one full mentorship program for highly motivated creative people with spiritual, organizational, and life projects,  ∴WAVEFORM∵ , is officially retiring this year.

SIGN UP NOW FOR YOURSELF OR AS A GIFT before the portal collapses.

What is ∴ Waveform ∵? 

It’s an opportunity to work with me in completely individualized way on your big life projects, your creative projects, your goal to develop your public presence, your coaching practices, your spiritual and financial and artistic goals, and more. And to do it all while staying in your integrity.

∴WAVEFORM∵ WILL AMPLIFY/CREATE/ORIENT AND ALIGN your efforts in a way that RESONATES WITH OTHERS, IN OUR NEWLY FORMING WORLD, over the course of six live online one-on-one meetings + remote contact + resources and guidance.

∴WAVEFORM∵ is real mentorship, not pre-packaged life coaching.

These sessions will change the direction, outcome and reception of your efforts.
The many forms my work has taken have given me a potent, unique perspective on achievement, resonance, and presence. You will receive every benefit of my two decades of public-facing and award-winning work in media, literature, education, lecturing, public speaking, podcasting, writing, and intellectual endeavors.

This offering is ONLY available for entry NOW until DECEMBER 15. You don’t have to start until January, and you can purchase the mentoshoip as a gift, but you must do so before the protal collapses on December 15.

Since ∴WAVEFORM∵ offers sustained individual attention from me, only five slots are available.


  • Meet one-one-one for 90 minutes in a SPECTRAL CONTENT MEETING to find the contours of your unrealized goal and vision; and to map out the form your actions need to take over the next two months to meet that goal and vision. It’s different for every project.
  • Meet one-one-one for a READJUSTMENT MEETING to get your life organized to support your goals.
  • Meet one-on-one for three, hourlong PHASE MEETINGS to tune in to your progression and to course correct as we go, reseting the rhythm and form where needed
  • Guide you through each layer of your project through as it intensifies and comes into being
  • Develop exercises, new directions, refinements, in Conner’s parallel work: four FREQUENCY SESSIONS where Conner will be focusing on your project on his own, spending time contemplating on you and your efforts to develop exercises and side quests that resonate with your work
  • Identify your strengths (apparent talents) and weaknesses (talents waiting to be redeemed) in achieving your goal
  • AMPLIFIERS for your work: resources curated along the way specifically for you and the form you’re working with
  • Keep in touch throughout the two month period, with UNLIMITED EMAIL ACCESS guaranteeing response from Conner within 72 hours.
  • Recalibrate your old oscillations and habits to turn them into helpers for your new forms

The fee is $2950 for patreon patrons and $3100, for everyone else. To sign up, go to my store. If the sales button is still up, there is still a spot.
You get:

  • 1x 1-on-1 Spectral Content Meeting (90 minutes)
  • 1x Readjustment Meeting (1 hr)
  • 3x 1-on-1 Phase Meetings (50 minutes each)
  • 4x Frequency Sessions (45 minutes Conner solo work between meetings)
  • Email access communication within 72 hours

Yes, read the FAQ below, but the reason it may sound vague is because ∴WAVEFORM∵ is mentorship for all artistic, financial, spiritual, public intellectual, and personal projects. You’ll be receiving individualized attention. Because your project is unique, the form the process and resonance takes will be unique to you.


What kind of projects/spiritual directives/etc can I do? Am I too much of a beginner to sign up for this? (Flipside: Am I too accomplished?)

The “right” starting point is wherever you decide to take this step from.
The process is for you wherever you’re at. I’ve been hired by New York Times bestselling authors to help them through blocks on their new books. I’ve done spiritual coaching for a cybersecurity worker who suddenly started having unexplainable experiences; I’ve helped an unpublished poet become a screenwriter now working on Netflix series. I’ve advised financial institutions on how to incorporate spiritual principles into their business practices. I’ve coached playwrights on writing their first (now published!) novels and guided undergraduates in university literature courses.
Because I have a huge range of experience to draw from, ∴WAVEFORM∵ is for everyone. Aside from hosting a successful podcast, publishing a critically acclaimed and award-nominated novel, nonfiction, and poetry; I’ve also had my own web series, set up dozens of live events, lectured at universities and organizations around the world, given online courses, and curated events on the national level. I’ve made hundreds of media appearances on TV, podcasts, movies, radio, and web shows. I’ve also been one of the only (the only?) adult performer to navigate the passage from adult performance to popular non-adult endeavors that were not in some way adult- or sexuality-centered.
Your project could be to start a coaching practice, to secure public attention for endeavors already underway, to create a spiritual community, to shift into a new artistic or professional field, to start a podcast, to make a certain amount of money, or to create your own pathway for occult development. Whatever your form is, I will offer everything I’ve learned that suits the path you’re on.

Can I sign up for some other time?

No. I’m offering these spots right now. We don’t have to start until January, but the sign up portal collapses on December 15, and this offering will never appear again.

Am I guaranteed success in my creative project/goals/etc if I sign up?

Let me put it this way: Committing to spending time with me and up to $3100 on something is an investment in taking your project and goal seriously enough to accomplish it. Your success depends, of course, on you and your determination more than anything else. What I can guarantee is that this process will amplify every aspect of your creative work, from process to  final product, from your feeling in creating to where it all ends up in the world when you’re done.

Should I apply even if I can’t really afford it?

Discomfort is not, in general, separable from progression. In signing up for ∴WAVEFORM∵, it’s important that you be able to see things differently, and that includes your own willingness to engage with discomfort and fear to move forward.
I don’t recommend that you sign up if your commitment will totally blow your nervous system apart. But if you’re hesitant yet still reading this, you probably already know that your feelings don’t always accurately reflect the reality of your abilities.
Since you’re here, reading these lines, you are likely to have the resources and a core consciousness and confidence that signing up is possible for you now.

What happens if I sign up and don’t like it? Can I get a refund or drop out?

No client-initiated refunds are available. But I have no interest in artificially trying to help people who would have better teachers. If for some reason your project doesn’t seem to fall into my realm of experience, I will let you know immediately and refund you your full amount minus Square fees.
That said, I’ve never had any client in decades of experience want to leave in the middle of a process because they did not find our work together valuable.

Are there any payment plans?

There is an option for one payment by December 10, and the second payment on December 15. Please email me for this option at againsteveryonewithconnerhabib at gmail dot com.

Can I buy this as a gift for someone? How does that work?

Yes, and I and clients have had great experiences offering one-on-one work as a gift. Just sign up and send me an email at againsteveryonewithconnerhabib at gmail dot com AT THE TIME OF SIGN UP with how you’d like me to deliver the gift and when.

Any unanswered questions?

Please send to againsteveryonewithconnerhabib at gmail.com

Now. Let’s Amplify/Create/Orient in this new plane together.