Tag Archives: Lankum

Traditional folk/horror music from the Irish earth – I talk with Ian Lynch of Lankum & Fire Draw Near on AEWCH 238!

19 Sep



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Following my series of episodes on horror, now we turn to another form of art that plays on in our astral world, that world of emotions and the heart: MUSIC. For a few episodes, I’ll be talking about music with some of my favorite musicians. But these won’t be the standard chats about the latest album or touring; instead, we’ll talk about music itself and how it lives in the lives of these artists, my life, your lives, and life itself.

Each episode will also feature a spotify playlist here in the show notes, with some of my favorite songs by the featured artist. The first episode, AEWCH 237, featured Will Oldham AKA Bonnie “Prince” Billy.

This time around, it’s IAN LYNCH, founder of traditional weird folk horror band LANKUM and host of the FIRE DRAW NEAR podcast, on which he plays and talks about traditional (mostly Irish) music.

Ian and I talk about how music draws influence from differing experiences of time, from history, from horror and murder, and from resistance, among many, many other things. I loved walking through this landscape with Ian, and there’s so much here for you — passages and tunnels and caves — to explore as a listener, too.

As a little bonus, at the end of the episode I’ve included a version of the traditional song, False Lankum, about a strange murderous creature, the Lankum (also known as Lankin and Lankim), for which Ian’s band is named. It’s a chilling song – in this instance performed by John Reilly Jr.

The Old Man from over the Sea • The New York Trader • The Young People • Go Dig My Grave • The Sea Captain • The Granite Gaze • The Pride of Patravore • On a Monday Morning • What Will We Do When We Have No Money? • The Townie Polka • Nette Perseus • Drinking Song from the Tomb • The Turkish Reveille • Lord Abore and Mary Flynn

Please do support the Fire Draw Near podcast on patreon. It’s a vital offering, and it’s also fun and deep and weird. Here’s a good interview with Ian at the Museum of Literature Ireland (MoLI – where I give my Ulysses reading course). Earlier this year, Lankum were nominated for the Mercury Prize, and gave a powerful performance of “Go Dig My Grave”, which I included in the episode. Here’s that performance and a small write up of it. Here’s Lankum playing “The New York Trader” at the Supersonic Festival. And here’s a write up with some videos on Ian in particular. And if you want to read a book with the appearance of the Lankin throughout, check out John Banville’s excellent book of stories Long Lankin. Finally, you can support Paul Duane’s film, All You Need Is Death (and his filmmaking in general), for which Ian composed a song, here on his patreon.