Tag Archives: Duncan Barford

What is spiritual development FOR, anyway? I talk with occultists Alan Chapman and Duncan Barford about destiny, spiritual failure, and the price of exacting your spiritual will on AEWCH 241!

24 Oct

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Give a one-time annual or monthly pledge to Patreon.com/connerhabib to support the show.

AGAINST EVERYONE WITH CONNER HABIB IS EXCLUSIVELY FUNDED BY LISTENERS. There is no other money coming into this podcast, since advertisements from sponsors dont fit with the mission of AEWCH.

So I ask listeners if theyd like to support the show by sharing what they can via patreon. Thank you!

In times of obvious schisms between human beings and their structures can stir up the opportunities that only frenetic and urgent intensity can reveal. In these times, we can see that there have always been many pathways available to us, that we were stuck, that we can be there for each other and dissolve obstruction. We can even redeem evil and turn it into the willing service of good.

It is with this sense of possibility that I turn to the occult and esotericism for direction.

The problem is, what are esoteric and occult development, anyway? Are they the same a self development, self help, abundance culture, using magick?

Or are spiritual development and self development quite different? And if so, are they therefore pointing us to two different worlds, two different sorts of being? And where do they touch?

Because spirituality is beyond desire, when we constrain it to desire – and that includes the spiritual paths that include the desire to get rid of desire – we limit the scope of spiritual landscape, the spiritual world, and spiritual truth. Which means we will develop differently.

To discuss this, I asked DUNCAN BARFORD and ALAN CHAPMAN for conversation and contemplation. Duncan and Alan are perhaps best known for the chronicle of their efforts to achieve enlightenment through magical traditions, The Baptists Head Compendium: Magick as a Path to Enlightenment. They now cohost the excellent podcast on magick and spirituality, WORP FM. And Duncan appeared on AEWCH 219 to talk about the misuses of magick, which we touch on again in this episode.

I so enjoyed this clarifying, peace-filled conversation, and I hope you will too.

Duncan’s patreon features plenty of posts to explore. He’s the creator of the now-concluded podcast Hierophany; on which he discusses a different spiritual theme on each episode. He’s also author of many other books, including Occult Experiments in the Home: Personal Explorations of Magick and the Paranormal and The Magick of A Dark Song: The Abramelin Ritual in Fiction and Reality. He’s also appeared on Weird Studies for a great conversation about magick. Duncan is also a counselor; here’s one of his therapy-related articles, on narcissism, in Therapy Today.

Duncan and I met in London at legendary occult bookstore Treadwells to have a conversation in front of an audience about my debut novel, Hawk Mountain. A transcript of that conversation will be available exclusively for patrons.

Alan’s substack is here, with many of his talks, transcribed, and some of his other works as well. His Magia book, and some videos of him expressing what appears in the book, are all on his website. He’s also the author of an earlier book, Advanced Magick for Beginners.

Can magick help us in our spiritual development? Duncan Barford on Against Everyone with Conner Habib 219

18 Apr

LISEN VIA SOUNDCLOUD ABOVE OR: Apple PodcastsSpotifyBreaker Anchor

Give a one-time annual or monthly pledge to Patreon.com/connerhabib to support the show.


There is no other money coming into this podcast, since advertisements from sponsors don’t fit with the mission of AEWCH.

So I ask listeners if they’d like to support the show by sharing what they can via patreon. Thank you!

DUNCAN BARFORD and I met in London at legendary occult bookstore Treadwells to have a conversation in front of an audience about my debut novel, Hawk Mountain. It was a magical moment; as we went into the basement where the event was, the news that the Queen had died was spreading through the city and the world. And there we were, surrounded by magickal artifacts, talking about fiction.

Duncan is perhaps best known for his collaborative projects with Alan Chapman, including the Baptist’s Head – a (currently out of print) series of books detailing their path to enlightenment – and the podcast WORP FM. He’s is also the creator of the podcast Hierophany; on which he discusses a different spiritual theme on each episode. author of many other books, including Occult Experiments in the Home: Personal Explorations of Magick and the Paranormal and The Magick of A Dark Song: The Abramelin Ritual in Fiction and Reality.

This is a wide-ranging but very deep episode about the occult, drugs, magick, and enlightenment, a sort of how-and-why (and why-not-to) do certain practices on the way to spiritual development.

I’m so happy to share it with you.


A book that does not directly relate, but is productively adjacent, to this conversation, is Rudolf Steiner’s The Spiritual Foundation of Morality: Francis of Assisi and the Christ Impulse. A small book filled with depths of wisdom.

The episode is probably most resonant with my conversation with Lisa Romero on AEWCH 209 about going beyond sorcery and psychedelics.

Duncan’s patreon features plenty of posts to explore. He’s also appeared on Weird Studies for a great conversation about magick. Duncan’s other books are available via his site, as well as a substantial blog. Duncan is also a counselor; here’s one of his therapy-related articles, on narcissism, in Therapy Today.

HAWK MOUNTAIN UK TOUR DATES! Come hang out with me and special guests September 8-14!

24 Aug

Can’t tell you how excited I am to announce UK TOUR DATES FOR HAWK MOUNTAIN!

And with a great line up of in-conversation partners, including a mystery writer, an occultist, a fiction writer and a special guest!

Please do spread the word and come!

SEPTEMBER 8: TREADWELLS, LONDON – with DUNCAN BARFORD (The Blood of the Saints, Occult Experiments in the Homes). On the occult, creativity, and fiction!TICKETS 


SEPTEMBER 12: WATERSTONES, BRIGHTON – With SJ Watson (Before I Go To Sleep, Final Cut). On psychological thrillers! 7PM.

SEPTEMBER 14: NO ALIBIS BOOKSTORE, BELFAST – With Wendy Erskine (Sweet Home, Dance Move). 6:30PM

I’ve also got a few Hawk Mountain/AEWCH t-shirts (ONLY available at events) left.

PLUS: ALL PATRONS who come to the events get a cool FREE limited edition Hawk Mountain postcard I made with my brother in-law!

See you there friends! Bring your pals, get a seat, Hawk Mountain and AEWCH with me! Can’t wait to see you!