Tag Archives: Rudolf Steiner

Can I change the world with my own spiritual development? Lisa Romero returns to AEWCH on episode 257!

26 Mar

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Dear friends: Does this podcast offer you inspiration?
If so, do support the show on patreon.

Give a one-time annual or monthly pledge to Patreon.com/connerhabib to connect to and give economic life to something you find value in. Thank you.

Also, please do subscribe to the show, give it a 5 star rating and warm review on Apple Podcasts.

You can also buy my novel Hawk Mountain (and give it 5 star rating and a positive review on Goodreads!)


The way the world seems to come in again and again in our time is like a wave to beat us down. For some of us the wave is unbearable. In fact it is a killing wave – But for many of us, most of us actually, the wave is knocking us about. We see the swells and currents from different vantage points, and the tides at different times. Perhaps the flood started for you back in 2001, witnessing the shattering of a sense of global security; or you’re seeing water in your dreams again and again in ways that impacts your psyche; or you feel you’re drowning in responsibilities or washed out by the exhaustion of debts.

What so many share is a recognition of the unceasingness of world intensities, coming ashore and pulling away again.

The resul? We can feel pulled in our lives away from who we really are. Like when you leave your spot on the beach and walk into the ocean, only to look back a bit later and see you’ve been carried so far from the spot at which you entered.

I’ve definitely been going through this for a long time. Of course there are things in my life that I am happy about, but so much of who I am is being transformed by the waters of my life, and the life we all share. Maybe you’ve sensed it in my voice on the show?

So that leave me – like it leaves anyone else, trying to figure out what to do.

Questions arise:

  • How does my self-development match my spiritual development?
  • How do I develop with the other in mind?
  • How do I meet another person in a way that actually assists my self development?
  • And finally, how does all that lead to my spiritual development helping the world?

I talk about all of this with spiritual teacher and writer, LISA ROMERO.

Lisa starts with a question* with her own: How can I give my will to your thinking?

This is a personal, spiritual, and worldly episode. It uses events in my own life to discover how how turning point in our lives, and our relationships, can offer opportunities to help the world’s development… if we work through them properly.

Lisa has a YouTube channel that features her in conversation with younger people on the spiritual path. It’s called the ASTRAL ARC, and she is just about to discuss the virtues Lisa is offers courses on the festivals throughout the year. If you’d like to check into some of Lisa’s other books, they’re all on here site, where she also has a short audio clip detailing the books and her work. Lisa has also been on the Duncan Trussell Family Hour, my pal Duncan Trussell’s podcast.

*Lisa opens the episode with a question, and concludes the episode with a poem, which I’ve also included here:

by St. John of the Cross

She caught me off guard when my
soul said to me,
“Have we met?”

So surprised I was
to hear her speak like that
I chuckled.

She began to sing a tale: “There was once a hardworking man
who used to worry so much because he could
not feed and clothe his children and
wife the way he wanted.

There was a beautiful little chapel in the village
where the man lived and one day while
he was praying, an angel

The angel said, ‘Follow me.’ And he did out into an ancient forest.
‘Now dig here,’ the angel said.  And the man felt strength in
his limbs he had not known since youth and with just
his bare hands he dug deep and found a
lost treasure, and his relationship
with the world changed.’

Finding our soul’s beauty does that–give us
tremendous freedom
from worry.

“Dig here,” the angel said–
“in your soul,
in your

What is spiritual work? I ask Rev. Jonah Evans on AEWCH 251!

25 Jan

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AEWCH is now on its way to 300 episodes!

AND: It receives no money from sponsors or advertisements, it is entirely listener supported.
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Apple Podcasts + buy my novel Hawk Mountain and give it 5 star rating and a positive review on Goodreads!

I’ve been thinking so much about work lately, and that’s shown up on episodes about podcasting and so-called “content creation.” But what about the work of a lifetime: spiritual work?

What IS spiritual work, anyway?

I know it’s not simply spiritual practice – that’s just one form spiritual work takes.

And I know it’s not just living life, in spite of the fact that when I say my spiritual work is important to me, people say things like “my spiritual work is being in nature,” or “my spiritual work is hanging out with my family.” 

I obviously don’t want to condemn the experience of spiritual presence and love that arises from those sorts of life experiences. I just know that’s not exactly what is meant.

But how do I not  make enemies out of distinctions when I say that those things are different, or when I say things like, “I want to do my spiritual work, but I’m working at my job all the time?”

The flipside? How do I not banish important distinction when I say, “everything is spiritual”?

On top of all of that, there’s the anti-work stance that is so urgently needed. How can we rightly do “spiritual work” when we need to end work al together?

I thought to consider this, I should talk with someone whose job is spirituality – or religion, in this case – Jonah Evans is a priest and lenker in the Christian Community – which religious renewal developed by and inspired by Rudolf Steiner.

He’s also been on the show once before, on AEWCH 220, when we talked about why anyone would engage with esoteric christianity. Together with Patrick Kennedy, he co-hosts one of my favorite podcasts, The Light In Every Thing. And he helps edit the series of Rudolf Steiner lectures offered by the Community, and offers workshops and conference around the world.

I hope you enjoy this deep discussion on a challenging topic!

Jonah has a YouTube channel, Living with Christ, with lots of video lectures. Here’s an interview with Jonah about The Christian Community and his role. Jonah’s podcast with Patrick Kennedy has a patreon which offers early access to each episode and other benefits. And one of the best ways to understand some of what Jonah and  that is to see if there’s a service near you and then attend one. Nothing will be expected of you, no one will try to get you “in” to the group. You’ll just encounter what all encounter: the baseline of the service is always the same; the Act of Consecration of Man. And then some talking afterward. Finally, here’s a recent interview with Jonah about Steiner vs Jung. 

How can I find peace in a time of war? Is it ethical to work on my own goals in a time of extreme violence? I look at all this from an esoteric perspective on AEWCH 248

3 Jan

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AEWCH receives no money from sponsors or advertisements, it is entirely listener supported.
Does this podcast offer you inspiration?
If so, do support the show on patreon.
Give a one-time annual or monthly pledge to
Patreon.com/connerhabib to connect to and give economic life to something you find value in. Thank you.

The new year is often a time of hope and resolution, but this year, we’ve had to cross over the bridge of violence; and we’re still on that bridge.
Is it possible to work on yourself and your goals while extreme violence is happening in the world?
Is that ethical?
And what role does peace play in all of this?
Love to you with this solo episode as we enter 2024.

I’m back on The Duncan Trussell Family Hour talking Rudolf Steiner and why the esoteric matters now!

22 Nov

I’m back on The Duncan Trussell Family Hour talking to my pal Duncan this time about Rudolf Steiner and Western esotericism and why we need lessons from both in our moment of conflict and violence.

Listen via spotify above or on your fav podcast platform!

It’s definitely one of the best episodes I’ve done with Duncan, andit circles around my upcoming online immersive workshop, 


(follow the link to tickets!)

What can I do in this moment? I talk with Lisa Romero about the esoteric path forward on AEWCH 244!

14 Nov

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Let’s transform money, starting today: By supporting Against Everyone with Conner Habib through patreon, you’re not paying me for my labor, you’re showing appreciation for what this show is and who I am in the world. It’s a way to give that isn’t about work or a fee.

So I ask listeners, if they like the show, to give a one-time annual or monthly pledge to Patreon.com/connerhabib to support this all.

AGAINST EVERYONE WITH CONNER HABIB IS EXCLUSIVELY FUNDED BY LISTENERS. There is no other money coming into this podcast, since advertisements from sponsors don’t fit with the mission of AEWCH.


I’m sure you’ve asked yourself what you can do in a time like this, and whether or not spirituality has anything to offer beyond just an often fleeting sense of calm.

In times of obvious schisms between human beings and their structures there can be a stirring-up of opportunities that only the frenetic and urgent intensities schism times can reveal. In these times, we can see that there have always been many pathways available to us, that we were stuck, that we can be there for each other and dissolve obstruction.

The old tools – that is, the tools we used to employ in a world that did NOT have the same challenges – can still help, but they’ve lost their strength. That includes psychoanalysis for personal development, socialism for economic development, and progressivism as political development.

On this episode, I invited my friend and listener favorite, spiritual writer and teacher, LISA ROMERO onto to the show to answer, esoterically, the classic revolutionary question: What is to be done?

Lisa has been on the show five other times, most recently on AEWCH 224. She’s the author of many books, including Spirit-led Community: Healing the Impact of Technology and A Bridge to Spirit: Understanding Conscious Self-Development and Consciousness-Altering Substances.

Instead of offering vague “just be spiritual!” advice, we try to understand the world situation and see what we can do to approach it spiritually.

In conjunction with this episode here, both Lisa and I are offering upcoming courses. Mine is called OCCULT PHILOSOPHIES: AN INTRO TO RUDOLF STEINER AND THE WESTERN ESOTERIC TRADITION, and Lisa’s is PREPARING FOR THE CHRISTMAS MYSTERIES. Description below.

Lisa is offers courses on the festivals throughout the year. The one happening just after this episode posts is on St. John’s Tide. You can find all that info here. You can also work with Lisa one-on-one here. And if you’d like to check into some of Lisa’s other books, they’re all on here site, where she also has a short audio clip detailing the books and her work. Lisa has also been on the Duncan Trussell Family Hour, my pal Duncan Trussell’s podcast.

To sign up for Lisa’s course, click here.

The description:

Anthroposophy (wisdom of the human being or being human) offers an initiation path to everyone regardless of gender, race or social standing. It is a schooling that we choose today, but it is also a schooling that leads into the future because the future initiations are moving towards being inclusive to all people who seek it. Sophia is a wisdom that is whole and not a “masculine or feminine” wisdom. Rather, it is a wholeness that develops and heals the soul, helping to make whole our life and the life around us.

In our preparation for the Christmas mysteries we will deepen how with the help of Sophia we can birth the new into our lives and the life of the world. We will also explore working with the holy nights towards supporting the year ahead. As the material world rapidly brings into being more and more ways of mechanising our lives,  increasingly drawing humanity away from the spirit, we can helpfully participate in bringing the beacon of divine spiritual light into the life sphere. No matter how dark it gets, the beacon of light needs to be present so that all may have awareness that there is a choice, there is hope!

Starting the first weekend in December and running for 4 weeks, this preparation is open for anyone to join so that together we may help tend and cultivate the light and love in the world.

7 Nov

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Let’s transform money, starting today: By supporting Against Everyone with Conner Habib through patreon, you’re not paying me for my labor, you’re showing appreciation for what this show is and who I am in the world. It’s a way to give that isn’t about work or a fee.

So I ask listeners, if they like the show, to give a one-time annual or monthly pledge to Patreon.com/connerhabib to support this all.

AGAINST EVERYONE WITH CONNER HABIB IS EXCLUSIVELY FUNDED BY LISTENERS. There is no other money coming into this podcast, since advertisements from sponsors don’t fit with the mission of AEWCH.


In times of obvious schisms between human beings and their structures there can be a stirring-up of opportunities that only the frenetic and urgent intensities schism times can reveal. In these times, we can see that there have always been many pathways available to us, that we were stuck, that we can be there for each other and dissolve obstruction.

A world that is culturally, politically, and economically invested in materialism, is going to have a very difficult time looking into the foundations of materialism and its missionary forces of consumerism and scientism. People who do talk about materialism (especially science and medicine) in any sort of critical way can end up reflexively throw away the value that materialism, including materialistic science gives us. Additionally, this throwing-away can show up in immoral ways, like condemning people for using Western medicine, trying to stay healthy using mainstream advice on nutrition, or tending to their community’s needs when it comes to public health.

How do we interrogate the series of knots and ties that bind our ideas of reality together, while at the same time offering understanding to each other (and ourselves!), acknowledging the fact that we are all tangled up in them? And what happens when we start to undo the knots?

Eventually, will we even know the world we’re living in? Will it appear to us even remotely like the one we live in now?

I asked one of my most popular guests back onto the show to discuss all of this, ARE THORESEN.

Are is a writer, teacher, anthroposophist, and accupuncturist. His two most recent books in English are most relevant here, because they both reference the Nordic tradition that includes Vidar and the actual changes in the spiritual world. They are Travels on the Northern Path of Initiation: Vidar and Baldur, the Three Elemental Realms and the Inner and Outer Etheric Worlds and Encounters with Vidar: Communications from the Outer Etheric Realm: From Clairvoyance to Clairaudience. Each draws on Norse mythology and finds where it meets with the Christian mysteries of today.

Are’s previous appearances on the show – AEWCH 116 and AEWCH 205delved into demonology, the Norse gods, the possibility of white magick, healing without translocating a disease (that is, without simply dislocating the disease so that it moves to a different site), and more. This episode is no exception to the rule of range and depth and, quite frankly, the strangeness to our normal sensibilities that talks with Are bring. I don’t highlight the strangeness in any sort of sensationalistic way, but rather to show how different things can get when you start genuinely considering the world from a different lens.

Time, space, physics, science, animal communication… nothing is off the table in this episode.

I hope it enlivens you!

Here’s another interview with Are, in which he goes into the foundational ideas a bit more. And Are’s spiritual autobiography is in the book Transforming Demons: The True Story of How a Seeker Resolves His Karma: From Ancient Atlantis to the Present-Day.

What is spiritual development FOR, anyway? I talk with occultists Alan Chapman and Duncan Barford about destiny, spiritual failure, and the price of exacting your spiritual will on AEWCH 241!

24 Oct

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Give a one-time annual or monthly pledge to Patreon.com/connerhabib to support the show.

AGAINST EVERYONE WITH CONNER HABIB IS EXCLUSIVELY FUNDED BY LISTENERS. There is no other money coming into this podcast, since advertisements from sponsors dont fit with the mission of AEWCH.

So I ask listeners if theyd like to support the show by sharing what they can via patreon. Thank you!

In times of obvious schisms between human beings and their structures can stir up the opportunities that only frenetic and urgent intensity can reveal. In these times, we can see that there have always been many pathways available to us, that we were stuck, that we can be there for each other and dissolve obstruction. We can even redeem evil and turn it into the willing service of good.

It is with this sense of possibility that I turn to the occult and esotericism for direction.

The problem is, what are esoteric and occult development, anyway? Are they the same a self development, self help, abundance culture, using magick?

Or are spiritual development and self development quite different? And if so, are they therefore pointing us to two different worlds, two different sorts of being? And where do they touch?

Because spirituality is beyond desire, when we constrain it to desire – and that includes the spiritual paths that include the desire to get rid of desire – we limit the scope of spiritual landscape, the spiritual world, and spiritual truth. Which means we will develop differently.

To discuss this, I asked DUNCAN BARFORD and ALAN CHAPMAN for conversation and contemplation. Duncan and Alan are perhaps best known for the chronicle of their efforts to achieve enlightenment through magical traditions, The Baptists Head Compendium: Magick as a Path to Enlightenment. They now cohost the excellent podcast on magick and spirituality, WORP FM. And Duncan appeared on AEWCH 219 to talk about the misuses of magick, which we touch on again in this episode.

I so enjoyed this clarifying, peace-filled conversation, and I hope you will too.

Duncan’s patreon features plenty of posts to explore. He’s the creator of the now-concluded podcast Hierophany; on which he discusses a different spiritual theme on each episode. He’s also author of many other books, including Occult Experiments in the Home: Personal Explorations of Magick and the Paranormal and The Magick of A Dark Song: The Abramelin Ritual in Fiction and Reality. He’s also appeared on Weird Studies for a great conversation about magick. Duncan is also a counselor; here’s one of his therapy-related articles, on narcissism, in Therapy Today.

Duncan and I met in London at legendary occult bookstore Treadwells to have a conversation in front of an audience about my debut novel, Hawk Mountain. A transcript of that conversation will be available exclusively for patrons.

Alan’s substack is here, with many of his talks, transcribed, and some of his other works as well. His Magia book, and some videos of him expressing what appears in the book, are all on his website. He’s also the author of an earlier book, Advanced Magick for Beginners.

Can esotericism help us in a time of chaos and violence? I talk with Mitch Horowitz about the opportunities of modern occultism on AEWCH 240!

17 Oct



Friends, The time for radical conversations, new ideas, new directions, and pathways to a strange and better world is NOW. Against Everyone with Conner Habib has been offering all that for nearly seven years, and all 200+ episodes are free. Please do SUPPORT THE SHOW.

The only sponsors of this podcast are listeners. There are no advertisements, no support for products. It’s just you and and me and the guests, supporting each other in thinking, feeling, and talking.

You can support the show via a monthly or one-time annua pledge at Patreon.com/connerhabib. When you use patreon, you’re not only supporting me, but accessing an economic model that isn’t about paying people for their labor, and instead showing care and appreciation of who they are.

You can also support my efforts by subscribing to the show, giving it a warm review and 5-Star writing on Apple Podcasts, as well as buying my novel Hawk Mountain. THANK YOU!

We are always in a time of chaos and violence. But when we notice it, when we see it, when it’s bubble over into ethnic cleansing or wars or murders; when it seems to us that our governments and institutions are only supporting the chaos and violence, our inner state can shift to the sense that we have no directive power.

At the same time, these schisms between human beings and their structures can stir up the opportunities that only near-schizoid agitation can reveal. We see that there have always been many pathways available to us, that we were stuck, that we can be there for each other and dissolve obstruction. We can even redeem evil and turn it into the willing service of good.

It is with this sense of possibility that I turn to the occult and esotericism for direction. It’s also why the occult so often finds its resurgence in these schism times. Not merely because people feel out of control or are trying to explain things, but because of the occult’s underlying principle that we have the ability to direct our futures. It isn’t just institutions in power that steer the course, but rather each of us and our connections to the spiritual landscape of our imaginations and the way engaging with our inner world gives us access to the entirety of of our world.

To cast a broad net and also to talk some of the particulars, I asked Mitch Horowitz back on the show. Mitch is a scholar, speaker, and the author of many books; but his most recent, Modern Occultism: History, Theory, and Practice, is the most important for the purposes of this episode. In it, Mitch presents a picture of rebels, thinkers, metaphysicians and phenomenologists who have influenced the world and who, taken together, illustrate a completely different direction in thinking, feeling, and action.

It is a direction that offers a radical alternative to the chaos we are in now.

I’m so happy to share this episode with you.


A beautiful book about what culture could be if it embraced real esotericism is Peter Selg’s The Culture of Selflessness: Rudolf Steiner, the Fifth Gospel, and the Time of Extremes. It details the deaths of Hans and Sophie Scholl and the White Rose, who resisted the Nazis.


Mitch has been on the show many times, most recently on AEWCH 200 (part 3) talking with me and Dean Spade about how to mediate political organizing with the new age and new thought movements; and before that on AEWCH 175. Here’s Mitch’s website, And I still absolutely love his first book, Occult America: White House Seances, Ouija Circles, Masons, and the Secret Mystic History of Our Nation. If you want to contribute to Mitch’s efforts directly, here’s his patreon.

How to identify true spiritual paths vs false ones, on AEWCH 231.

2 Aug

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Advertisements from sponsors don’t fit with the mission of this podcast. So I ask listeners if they’d like to support the show by sharing what they can via patreon. The best way to support this show, my writing, my events & courses, is to give an annual or monthly pledge to  Patreon.com/connerhabib. You can also subscribe to the show and give it a 5-Star writing on Apple Podcasts, as well as buy my novel Hawk Mountain.

When you use patreon, you’re not only supporting me, but accessing an economic model that isn’t about paying people for their labor, and instead showing care and appreciation of who they are.

We are in dire need of real spiritual paths to guide us through the challenges we’re facing now. But in the flood of spiritual information, it is difficult to sort out which ones are true and which ones are false.

Furthermore, there are plenty of spiritual influencers making content that amounts to little more than “spiritual” dross cast over “edgy” political views. These influencers pretend that the political views arise out of the spiritual encounters they’ve had, but the truth is they are simply making spirituality subservient to their preformed politics.

On this episode, I try my best to separate the wheat from the chaff. I look at false spiritual paths, mostly promulgated by what I call The Bad Friend, and the forms the Bad Friend uses, including:

  • Reducing spirituality to function
  • The health influencer
  • Materialist techniques (magick and entheogens)
  • Fractalnoia and conspiracy theories
  • Schematic approaches
  • The subject supposed to know
  • Prophet-eering
  • “ancient” wisdom
  • confusing self-development with spiritual development

And I offer forms on true spiritual paths.

This is a deep episode, and I hope it helps.


On Rudolf Steiner, Anthroposophy, and Esoteric Christianity; with my sister, Laura Scappaticci on AEWCH 225!

13 Jun

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Against Everyone With Conner Habib is funded exclusively by listeners like you. Do you find value in this show? If so, support the podcast. SUPPORT THIS PODCAST via Patreon

Here is the final episode (for now!) in my series of episodes on occult & esoteric christianity, an evolving tradition that offers vitalizing insight into how to move forward.

Across the episodes, I’ve talked about various streams and fruits of occult & esoteric christianity, as well as some of its key figures. Rather than presenting the typically dogmatic, dominating, and totalizing christianity — which is always in danger of being seized by people, especially conservatives, with power — this series presented a different and truer form. Open, wounded, individuated, and powerless; a tradition that relates to other spiritual paths without seeking to control or diminish them.

The other episodes included:

  • AEWCH 220 with Rev. Jonah Evans on WHY esoteric christianity
  • AEWCH 221 with Rev. Patrick Kennedy on whether or not esoteric christianity was different (or the same!) as a religion
  • AEWCH 222 on Bulgarian spiritual teacher Peter Deunov (Beinsa Douno) with spiritual researcher and writer David Lorimer
  • AEWCH 223 a discussion on Cypriot esoteric teacher and healer, Daskalos, with Daniel Joseph and Aki Toshimitsu (which concluded with a beautiful meditation from Aki)
  • AEWCH 224 with Lisa Romero on the new christian Mysteries of the heart

To conclude the series, I knew I needed to talk about a pivotal figure in my own life, Rudolf Steiner, and his esoteric christian offering of encounter and understanding; anthroposophy. So I invited on another pivotal figure in my life; someone I’ve known for a long, long time… my sister!

Laura Scappaticci is an educator, organizer, and the host of the podcast That Good May Become, a heartfelt podcast about spirituality in everyday life. She has been the program director of the Anthroposophical Society in America, and also worked at Rudolf Steiner College. Like me, she didn’t encounter anthroposophy until later life.

Obviously, Rudolf Steiner comes up a lot on the show, so I’m happy to have a chance to talk about his efforts and anthroposophy directly, And I’m so happy to do this with my sister!


To get started with Steiner, there is no better book that Start Now!: A Book of Soul and Spiritual Exercises which is edited by Christopher Bamford. Rather than encountering Steiner via information, it’s good to take his work in through experiencing the effects of meditative and contemplative exercises and action. If you want the exercises in the context of lectures, then you might also want to check out Anthroposophy in Everyday Life: Practical Training in Thought – Overcoming Nervousness – Facing Karma – The Four Temperaments; a collection of lectures with practical application by Rudolf Steiner.

One episode of the show that’s I’m so happy to have shared is sort of a solo episode: AEWCH 126. I write “sort of” here because it’s all about the Archangel Michael – one of the key spiritual beings for Steiner’s worldview – and my hope that the presence is apparent in the episode.

For more on my sis, check out her wesbite. And you can also listen to the episodes of her podcast that I’ve been on, On current trends vs truth and that my brother in law has been on, talking about art! (PS: Upcoming episodes will be about Steiner’s How To Know Higher Worlds.)