Tag Archives: politcs

Can I change the world with my own spiritual development? Lisa Romero returns to AEWCH on episode 257!

26 Mar

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The way the world seems to come in again and again in our time is like a wave to beat us down. For some of us the wave is unbearable. In fact it is a killing wave – But for many of us, most of us actually, the wave is knocking us about. We see the swells and currents from different vantage points, and the tides at different times. Perhaps the flood started for you back in 2001, witnessing the shattering of a sense of global security; or you’re seeing water in your dreams again and again in ways that impacts your psyche; or you feel you’re drowning in responsibilities or washed out by the exhaustion of debts.

What so many share is a recognition of the unceasingness of world intensities, coming ashore and pulling away again.

The resul? We can feel pulled in our lives away from who we really are. Like when you leave your spot on the beach and walk into the ocean, only to look back a bit later and see you’ve been carried so far from the spot at which you entered.

I’ve definitely been going through this for a long time. Of course there are things in my life that I am happy about, but so much of who I am is being transformed by the waters of my life, and the life we all share. Maybe you’ve sensed it in my voice on the show?

So that leave me – like it leaves anyone else, trying to figure out what to do.

Questions arise:

  • How does my self-development match my spiritual development?
  • How do I develop with the other in mind?
  • How do I meet another person in a way that actually assists my self development?
  • And finally, how does all that lead to my spiritual development helping the world?

I talk about all of this with spiritual teacher and writer, LISA ROMERO.

Lisa starts with a question* with her own: How can I give my will to your thinking?

This is a personal, spiritual, and worldly episode. It uses events in my own life to discover how how turning point in our lives, and our relationships, can offer opportunities to help the world’s development… if we work through them properly.

Lisa has a YouTube channel that features her in conversation with younger people on the spiritual path. It’s called the ASTRAL ARC, and she is just about to discuss the virtues Lisa is offers courses on the festivals throughout the year. If you’d like to check into some of Lisa’s other books, they’re all on here site, where she also has a short audio clip detailing the books and her work. Lisa has also been on the Duncan Trussell Family Hour, my pal Duncan Trussell’s podcast.

*Lisa opens the episode with a question, and concludes the episode with a poem, which I’ve also included here:

by St. John of the Cross

She caught me off guard when my
soul said to me,
“Have we met?”

So surprised I was
to hear her speak like that
I chuckled.

She began to sing a tale: “There was once a hardworking man
who used to worry so much because he could
not feed and clothe his children and
wife the way he wanted.

There was a beautiful little chapel in the village
where the man lived and one day while
he was praying, an angel

The angel said, ‘Follow me.’ And he did out into an ancient forest.
‘Now dig here,’ the angel said.  And the man felt strength in
his limbs he had not known since youth and with just
his bare hands he dug deep and found a
lost treasure, and his relationship
with the world changed.’

Finding our soul’s beauty does that–give us
tremendous freedom
from worry.

“Dig here,” the angel said–
“in your soul,
in your

How to identify true spiritual paths vs false ones, on AEWCH 231.

2 Aug

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Advertisements from sponsors don’t fit with the mission of this podcast. So I ask listeners if they’d like to support the show by sharing what they can via patreon. The best way to support this show, my writing, my events & courses, is to give an annual or monthly pledge to  Patreon.com/connerhabib. You can also subscribe to the show and give it a 5-Star writing on Apple Podcasts, as well as buy my novel Hawk Mountain.

When you use patreon, you’re not only supporting me, but accessing an economic model that isn’t about paying people for their labor, and instead showing care and appreciation of who they are.

We are in dire need of real spiritual paths to guide us through the challenges we’re facing now. But in the flood of spiritual information, it is difficult to sort out which ones are true and which ones are false.

Furthermore, there are plenty of spiritual influencers making content that amounts to little more than “spiritual” dross cast over “edgy” political views. These influencers pretend that the political views arise out of the spiritual encounters they’ve had, but the truth is they are simply making spirituality subservient to their preformed politics.

On this episode, I try my best to separate the wheat from the chaff. I look at false spiritual paths, mostly promulgated by what I call The Bad Friend, and the forms the Bad Friend uses, including:

  • Reducing spirituality to function
  • The health influencer
  • Materialist techniques (magick and entheogens)
  • Fractalnoia and conspiracy theories
  • Schematic approaches
  • The subject supposed to know
  • Prophet-eering
  • “ancient” wisdom
  • confusing self-development with spiritual development

And I offer forms on true spiritual paths.

This is a deep episode, and I hope it helps.


Conner Habib abducts Felix Biederman from the Chapo Traphouse.

27 Oct
Hello friends!
So awesome to be joined on AEWCH by Felix Biederman; writer, speaker, and founder of leftist podcast phenomenon, Chapo Traphouse.
Listen to the PODCAST version via iTunes or Stitcher or watch by clicking on our goofy faces above. (And please Subscribe to whatever option you choose!)
Chapo Traphouse, in case you don’t know, is a podcast which boasts the biggest Patreon on Patreon. It’s one of a handful of newer and successful leftist news outlets that is changing the contours of our public discussion and political landscape. And it’s really funny. The Chapo team talks about neoliberal and neoconservative punditry, stupidity, and cruelty. The talk about activism and social progress. They also do on-the-ground work, like door-to-door canvassing, meeting with international socialist groups to build bridges between movements, and donating money (most recently $10,000 to the Victim Rights Law Center) to causes.
In this ep:
  • The loneliness of thinking bigger about politics: 2:15
  • The way media ensnares our imaginations in incremental change: 6:15
  • Why we need to be suspicious of “progressives,” including Kamala Harris: 7:25
  • The on-the-ground marginal change is urgent, but will lead us down the wrong path if we don’t dream, bigger.: 11:15
  • Stop using the language of your enemies.: 12:50
  • Dragging the leaders down and raising the people up: 15:20
  • Felix loves Downfall and it shows the weaknesses of iconic maniacs:16:35
  • Distinctions in evil.: 18:35
  • The Nazis Conner grew up with and, like the NAZI Nazis that Conner grew up with.: 21:15
  • Why we need to be more forgiving of idiots: 23:15
  • When do people deserve public scorn, when should we just ignore them, and when should we forgive them?: 27:20
  • How fear of being “reactionary” is kind of white bro capitalist bullshit in the attention economy, bro.: 32:30
  • What healthy detachment is and why it’s needed for leftists: 38:40
  • Mindfulness as a way to exploit workers.: 40:30
  • “Love what you do” is a trap, but we should love what we do. So now what? 43:55
  • The suspicion of pleasure is capitalist exploitation, too.: 45:45
  • Our era is not the first dumb era. 49:35
  • Felix and I talk adult movies. IN A POLITICAL WAY.: 53:40
  • Children are teeny tiny monsters. 58:45
  • So Felix, why do people hate you and Chapo so much?: 1:01:20
  • The public discussion is crucial to what our actions can achieve.: 1:11:55
If you enjoy the show, please do support it!
Thank you!