Archive by Author


26 Dec


Will it be possible to fulfill our goals and live a good life in 2024 when it feels like there’s so much tension, confrontation, and challenge present today? The answer is yes.

There is a Good Path for all of us. It’s just ahead if you know how to look for it.

It will requiring a lot – mediating our own goals and our destinies; communicating between our lives and the life of the world; having courage, conviction, foresight, and cultivating our relationships to our own integrity.
Not to mention having some enjoyment of our lives along the way, because otherwise what’s the point?

There’s a way for each and every one of us, it just means we all have to


Join me for a concentrated one-on-one two hour hour long meeting where we will find your path through 2024, one month at a time. And where there doesn’t seem like there’s a way ahead, we’ll build a bridge.

This meeting and reading will change your year.

It will help you see ahead, consider where you’re at now, and uncover what you might otherwise miss in your journey across 2024.

In our meeting we will:

  • DEVELOP your goals for 2024 and beyond.
  • READ your tarot spread for the entire year; inlcuding one card per month, to map your goals and expectations to.
  • SEE INTO the role that DESTINY has played up till now on your path, and how to best work with it going forward.
  • UNCOVER the right path for you not just for your own goals but through any tumultuous times the world might offer.
  • Wherever the way seems impassable, BUILD BRIDGES.
  • Draw on the occultism of anthroposophy, tarot, philosophy, occult stories, self help technics, and our unfolding conversation to create a clear path to achieving your goals and developing habits.
  • GROW a sense of flexible stability and belonging in a world that keeps offering fundamental questions.
  • DECIDE how your life will proceed instead of allowing it to be an open wound and question
  • And CREATE STRATEGIES for the presences on the margins that want to pull you off your path.




SPACES ARE LIMITED: Remember, the 2023, 2022, 2021 workshops all sold out quickly; since this workshop is also a one-on-one focused communication between you and I, space is very limited.

There is also an option to get access to a FOLLOW-UP MEETING, please see below for details.

I signed up, now what?

You’ll receive an email with further information on December 29 or January 1 and/or 2.
Please use the email address at the point of purchase that you’d like me to use to contact you. There will be multiple options for sign up times as well as any additional information you’ll need

Can I pay in installments? Or just boost my patreon pledge?

Yes, but it’s a little more. You can boost your pledge on patreon to a $100.00 payment until May 5, at which time you can revert it back. If you would like to choose this option, you will have to email boost your pledge BEFORE the portal closes and email me at againsteveryonewithconnerhabib at gmail to let me know.

Can I gift this to a friend?

Yes!  You can buy the workshop as a gift without buying it for yourself – after you purchase access, just email me at againsteveryonewithconnerhabib at gmail to let me know the email address of the person you bought it for., and I’ll reach out with an email by December 31.

Is there a follow up session?

For the first time ever, I am officially offering a follow-up session for the workshop. The follow up  is a 45 minutes meeting in March. We’ll look at how things are going so far with the meeting and reading, and talk about how to make sure you’re on the Path you’ve found and set your feet on. You can only sign up before the access portal collapses. The fee is $110 for patrons, $150 for everyone else. Please note that the follow up prices will not change after Christmas.

When do I have to sign up by?

The portal for this workshop and the follow-up collapses either when it reaches capacity or JANUARY 1, whichever comes first.

See you on the Path soon,

DANIEL HIGGS talks about creating art, trust, and spiritual landscapes on AGAINST EVERYONE WITH CONNER HABIB 247

12 Dec

LISTEN VIA SOUNDCLOUD ABOVE OR:  Apple PodcastsSpotifyBreaker Anchor

This podcast is my offer you new ideas or feelings of inspiration? Does it introduce you to new books and thinkers and art and possibilities?
If so, do support the show. Let’s connect more to what brings us the good life in what appears to be absolute madness.

Please give a one-time annual or monthly pledge to to connect to and support the show.

I’m so happy to share this episode with you featuring my conversation with DANIEL HIGGS, best known as the front person of the Baltimore post-punk band Lungfish, but also known as a tattoo artist, a solo musician, a member of Fountainsun, the Pupils, and Skull Defects, and also as a painter of spiritual landscapes which often feature strange figures rendered in seized motion and vivd colors.

My first encounter with Daniel’s efforts came from listening to Lungfish, a band which I always find difficult to describe directly. That’s because Lungfish, like the rest of Daniel’s art and music offers something that is true and reveals itself on its own terms in collaboration with Daniel, the artist.

It’s far from pop music or even “punk” and closer to the work of artists like David Lynch, Emma Kunz, or the writing of Joy Williams. 

So when I would try to tell friends about Lungfish when I was younger, I would say things like, “It’s a spiritual experience to go see them!” Of course that sounded canned. 

So I’d shift and talk about the spectacle of the concert, say it was like seeing Walt Whitman in a band. Or I’d describe how the music was droning and loud and the singer’s voice was almost terrifying at times, and yet a real beauty somehow inhered in all of that.

The closest I came to describing a Lungfish show, though, was something like:

When you see them, you will fear that Daniel will levitate just a centimeter off the stage, and in that one centimeter, everything you know about the world will fall away. It wasn’t until finally speaking with Daniel, that I realized that this did happen – that in his music and art, a small space is made where a new world exists is rendered visible. 

The way that Daniel describes some of this on the episode is that the concerts Invited people into intimacy – a quality of intimacy that will remind us that intimacy is ultimately what we’re always heading toward.

This conversation itself is intimate, we talk about friendship, about being able to perceive spiritual beings in a spiritual landscape, in the way a presence appears in the middle of a concert, and the way trust plays a paramount role in relationship and creating art.

Here’s an AEWCH DANIEL HIGGS SPOTIFY PLAYLIST with some of my favorite songs by Daniel and his bands for you.

Friends, this is the last full episode of 2023, but there will be a little surprise for you for the holidays soon. Please find the openness and the healing of creating peace. 

Here are the words to “The Words” by Lungfish.


How do we change the world, when changing the world seems impossible? I talk with philosopher and author of The Subversive Seventies, Empire, and Commonwealth, MICHAEL HARDT about finding hope and direction on AEWCH 246!

5 Dec

LISTEN VIA SOUNDCLOUD ABOVE OR:  Apple PodcastsSpotifyBreaker Anchor

This podcast is part of my good life, is it part of yours? Does it offer you new ideas or feelings of inspiration? Does it introduce you to new books and thinkers and art and possibilities? If so, do support the show. Lets connect more to what brings us the good life in what appears to be absolute madness.

Please give a onetime annual or monthly pledge to to connect to and support the show.

AGAINST EVERYONE WITH CONNER HABIB IS EXCLUSIVELY FUNDED BY LISTENERS. There is no other money coming into this podcast, since advertisements from sponsors dont fit with the mission of AEWCH. Additional avenues of support include giving the show a warm review on Apple Podcasts and subscribe to it. You can also buy my novel Hawk Mountain.

Every day, it feels like world circumstances aren’t just hopeless, but impossible. Tactics for resistance don’t seem to work, new horrors appear, and the ability to access a calm and engaged life can even seem, at times, to be beyond us. How do we approach the impossibility of changing the world? 

What we need is something that generates new directions and pathways, new visions and ideas, new strategies and tactics. And before we do that, we need to access the spiritual fact that these directions, visions, and strategies are available to us in the first place.

This won’t be the sort of work we’re used to, because we are pushing into the new. Working through the impossible is like walking through water when what’s needed is to walk on it. 

But there is a moment when we find ourselves rising above the reflective line of surface and it will seem baffling to us that we hadn’t known all along how to do it.

We will have to locate, for instance, the promise located in our old tactics. We will have locate the usefulness in the absurd. We will have to find connections where before we saw oppositions, distinctions where once we saw enemies.

One of the best people I know to talk with about all of this is philosopher and political theorist, Michael Hardt.  His latest book is The Subversive Seventies – a plain language, easy-to-read assessment of the innovation of creative and resistance movements in the 1970s. 

If you hear that there’s a book on the 70s and think it’s just historical, that it won’t feel enlivening to read, or that it will feel like romanticization of another time, disregard that misleading thought. Teh Subversive Seventies is such a powerful and moving book that will restore your confidence in the ability of people to have new visions of the world and new ways of eroding obstructive power. It is, in fact, one of the most vital and vitalizing books I’ve read in a long time. 

As Michael says, in many ways, the seventies were ahead of us. Why? Because the aspirations were huge. Not just resistance, but innovation. Not just stopping war, but generating togetherness. Not just replacing those in power, but generating completely new structures to live with. It certainly connects to the spiritual principle that to truly fight evil, it is not enough to directly battle with it. Rather, to fight evil, we must create good. From gay liberation, black liberation movements, and antinuclear movements in the US, to the Autonomia movement in Italy, the Sanrizuka struggle in Japan, and the Carnation Revolution in Portugal. It is a picture of a world in a liberation moment and project. The picture has all the details of differing tactics and huge ideas, as well as connections and inspirations.

Michael was last on the show on AEWCH 120 previous books with Antonio Negri are perhaps better known. They are themselves absolutely liberating. They are Empire, and its follow ups: Multitude: War and Democracy in the Age of Empire, which was followed by Commonwealth, and finally, Assembly.Few books about political theory come as close to a spiritual picture of revolutions, liberations, pictures of power, and pictures of how meaningful life can thrive in the midst of challenges.

On this episode we try to meet some of the challenges of today. Why do movements only really gain massive traction when they are seen to be responding to oppressive violence? Do protests work? What can we learn in their failures? Can we act in pivotal moments, or are we always too late by the time we see the problem?

This episode presents a conversation that tries to grapple. Failing, striving, succeeding, failing again. It echoes, in a sense what Michael points out again and again  about movements. That movements create concepts – we’re not just acting, but we’re changing how we view the world as we act, and even how we can view the world.

I’m so happy to share this conversation with you, maybe it bring inspiration to think and feel and do differently.

Buy all of Michael’s books. Really. You’ll never see the world the same way after you’re done. For more on Michael, here’s a long interview with him at The White Review. Here’s an incomplete but nice little 4 minute intro to Empire. And here’s a free digital copy of Declaration, a sort of anti-manifesto manifesto written by Michael and Toni. He’s also the author of an excellent book on Deleuze: Gilles Deleuze: An Apprenticeship in Philosophy, 

Last call!! ∴ WAVEFORM ONE-ON-ONE MENTORSHIP ∵ disappears forever on December 15! Only five spots available. Work with me or give the mentorship as a gif!

4 Dec

My one-on-one full mentorship program for highly motivated creative people with spiritual, organizational, and life projects,  ∴WAVEFORM∵ , is officially retiring this year.

SIGN UP NOW FOR YOURSELF OR AS A GIFT before the portal collapses.

What is ∴ Waveform ∵? 

It’s an opportunity to work with me in completely individualized way on your big life projects, your creative projects, your goal to develop your public presence, your coaching practices, your spiritual and financial and artistic goals, and more. And to do it all while staying in your integrity.

∴WAVEFORM∵ WILL AMPLIFY/CREATE/ORIENT AND ALIGN your efforts in a way that RESONATES WITH OTHERS, IN OUR NEWLY FORMING WORLD, over the course of six live online one-on-one meetings + remote contact + resources and guidance.

∴WAVEFORM∵ is real mentorship, not pre-packaged life coaching.

These sessions will change the direction, outcome and reception of your efforts.
The many forms my work has taken have given me a potent, unique perspective on achievement, resonance, and presence. You will receive every benefit of my two decades of public-facing and award-winning work in media, literature, education, lecturing, public speaking, podcasting, writing, and intellectual endeavors.

This offering is ONLY available for entry NOW until DECEMBER 15. You don’t have to start until January, and you can purchase the mentoshoip as a gift, but you must do so before the protal collapses on December 15.

Since ∴WAVEFORM∵ offers sustained individual attention from me, only five slots are available.


  • Meet one-one-one for 90 minutes in a SPECTRAL CONTENT MEETING to find the contours of your unrealized goal and vision; and to map out the form your actions need to take over the next two months to meet that goal and vision. It’s different for every project.
  • Meet one-one-one for a READJUSTMENT MEETING to get your life organized to support your goals.
  • Meet one-on-one for three, hourlong PHASE MEETINGS to tune in to your progression and to course correct as we go, reseting the rhythm and form where needed
  • Guide you through each layer of your project through as it intensifies and comes into being
  • Develop exercises, new directions, refinements, in Conner’s parallel work: four FREQUENCY SESSIONS where Conner will be focusing on your project on his own, spending time contemplating on you and your efforts to develop exercises and side quests that resonate with your work
  • Identify your strengths (apparent talents) and weaknesses (talents waiting to be redeemed) in achieving your goal
  • AMPLIFIERS for your work: resources curated along the way specifically for you and the form you’re working with
  • Keep in touch throughout the two month period, with UNLIMITED EMAIL ACCESS guaranteeing response from Conner within 72 hours.
  • Recalibrate your old oscillations and habits to turn them into helpers for your new forms

The fee is $2950 for patreon patrons and $3100, for everyone else. To sign up, go to my store. If the sales button is still up, there is still a spot.
You get:

  • 1x 1-on-1 Spectral Content Meeting (90 minutes)
  • 1x Readjustment Meeting (1 hr)
  • 3x 1-on-1 Phase Meetings (50 minutes each)
  • 4x Frequency Sessions (45 minutes Conner solo work between meetings)
  • Email access communication within 72 hours

Yes, read the FAQ below, but the reason it may sound vague is because ∴WAVEFORM∵ is mentorship for all artistic, financial, spiritual, public intellectual, and personal projects. You’ll be receiving individualized attention. Because your project is unique, the form the process and resonance takes will be unique to you.


What kind of projects/spiritual directives/etc can I do? Am I too much of a beginner to sign up for this? (Flipside: Am I too accomplished?)

The “right” starting point is wherever you decide to take this step from.
The process is for you wherever you’re at. I’ve been hired by New York Times bestselling authors to help them through blocks on their new books. I’ve done spiritual coaching for a cybersecurity worker who suddenly started having unexplainable experiences; I’ve helped an unpublished poet become a screenwriter now working on Netflix series. I’ve advised financial institutions on how to incorporate spiritual principles into their business practices. I’ve coached playwrights on writing their first (now published!) novels and guided undergraduates in university literature courses.
Because I have a huge range of experience to draw from, ∴WAVEFORM∵ is for everyone. Aside from hosting a successful podcast, publishing a critically acclaimed and award-nominated novel, nonfiction, and poetry; I’ve also had my own web series, set up dozens of live events, lectured at universities and organizations around the world, given online courses, and curated events on the national level. I’ve made hundreds of media appearances on TV, podcasts, movies, radio, and web shows. I’ve also been one of the only (the only?) adult performer to navigate the passage from adult performance to popular non-adult endeavors that were not in some way adult- or sexuality-centered.
Your project could be to start a coaching practice, to secure public attention for endeavors already underway, to create a spiritual community, to shift into a new artistic or professional field, to start a podcast, to make a certain amount of money, or to create your own pathway for occult development. Whatever your form is, I will offer everything I’ve learned that suits the path you’re on.

Can I sign up for some other time?

No. I’m offering these spots right now. We don’t have to start until January, but the sign up portal collapses on December 15, and this offering will never appear again.

Am I guaranteed success in my creative project/goals/etc if I sign up?

Let me put it this way: Committing to spending time with me and up to $3100 on something is an investment in taking your project and goal seriously enough to accomplish it. Your success depends, of course, on you and your determination more than anything else. What I can guarantee is that this process will amplify every aspect of your creative work, from process to  final product, from your feeling in creating to where it all ends up in the world when you’re done.

Should I apply even if I can’t really afford it?

Discomfort is not, in general, separable from progression. In signing up for ∴WAVEFORM∵, it’s important that you be able to see things differently, and that includes your own willingness to engage with discomfort and fear to move forward.
I don’t recommend that you sign up if your commitment will totally blow your nervous system apart. But if you’re hesitant yet still reading this, you probably already know that your feelings don’t always accurately reflect the reality of your abilities.
Since you’re here, reading these lines, you are likely to have the resources and a core consciousness and confidence that signing up is possible for you now.

What happens if I sign up and don’t like it? Can I get a refund or drop out?

No client-initiated refunds are available. But I have no interest in artificially trying to help people who would have better teachers. If for some reason your project doesn’t seem to fall into my realm of experience, I will let you know immediately and refund you your full amount minus Square fees.
That said, I’ve never had any client in decades of experience want to leave in the middle of a process because they did not find our work together valuable.

Are there any payment plans?

There is an option for one payment by December 10, and the second payment on December 15. Please email me for this option at againsteveryonewithconnerhabib at gmail dot com.

Can I buy this as a gift for someone? How does that work?

Yes, and I and clients have had great experiences offering one-on-one work as a gift. Just sign up and send me an email at againsteveryonewithconnerhabib at gmail dot com AT THE TIME OF SIGN UP with how you’d like me to deliver the gift and when.

Any unanswered questions?

Please send to againsteveryonewithconnerhabib at

Now. Let’s Amplify/Create/Orient in this new plane together.

OCCULT PHILOSOPHIES: AN INTRO TO RUDOLF STEINER AND THE WESTERN ESOTERIC TRADITION – This Saturday – Last call for tickets! Learn about Rudolf Steiner and the Western esoteric tradition…and why it matters now – with me in my one-day online immersive workshop.

30 Nov

“Love is the only passion which must not be discarded in the pursuit of truth.”

– Rudolf Steiner

The Western esoteric tradition and one of its central figures, Rudolf Steiner, remain largely under-explored, despite the value they offer us today in terms of not just spiritual inspiration, but political, economic, and cultural renewal.

But getting into Steiner and his esoteric work can be daunting, to say the least. So let’s begin here, with an immersive online workshop:


Chances are you’ve encountered one of Steiner’s efforts, even if you haven’t heard Rudolf Steiner’s name. Waldorf schools (AKA Steiner school), biodynamic agriculture and wine, Dr. Hauschka and Weleda health & beauty products, Camp Hill communities for people with disabilities, Community Shared Agriculture (CSAs), and more, all trace their way back to Steiner’s indications and his approach to life, called anthroposophy.

Or maybe you’ve heard about anthroposophy’s influence on key figures in culture and politics:

From trailblazing environmentalist Rachel Carson, author of Silent Spring,and seed sharing activist Vandana Shiva; to anti-war activists like Hans and Sophie Scholl or actor Jon Cusack; artists as diverse as Hilma Af Kilnt, Wassily Kandinsky, Andrei Tarkovsky, Joseph Beuys, and Saul Bellow; his influence the literary group the Inklings, which includes J.R.R. Tolkein and C.S. Lewis; or well-known attendees of Waldorf schools like Jennifer Anniston and Sufjan Stephens, not to mention Tilda Swinton, who helped start a small Steiner school.

But with thousands of lectures and dozens of books filled with esoteric terms and gestures that would make a postmodern philosopher blush, it’s difficult to find a way into his vast body of work. And even more difficult to do it without falling into the usual pitfalls of belief and blind faith. As Steiner himself said, “I don’t want you to believe me, I want you to understand me.”

Join author and podcaster Conner Habib in this friendly, plain-language workshop on Rudolf Steiner and the Western esoteric tradition.

Together we’ll enter multiple doorways into Steiner’s work, engage in anthroposophical thought exercises, and create pathways for further exploration. It’ll be fun and deep, complex and weird, respectful and irreverent all at once.


Tickets are based on a sliding scale, $25, $40 (preferred offering), $75.
The preferred offering is $40. But please pay what you feel you can and should. Each tier brings its own.
All ticket levels come with access to the entire workshop, as well as access to a recording of it until December 31.
$40.00 tickets come with access to a Q&A after the event, which will allow particpants to ask any questions about Rudolf Steiner, anthroposophy, and the Western esoteric tradition. (There will be discussion during the workshop, but questions and comments will be directly related to the lecture).
$75.00 tickets include all the above PLUS a list of quotes and a Further Reading & Resources list.

Because there is an interactive element, tickets are limited.


Go to and buy a ticket.

An admissions link will be sent out to all attendees before the event, via the email address you provide to Sqaure when you buy the tickets.

If you have any further questions, please send them to

See you soon.

How can I have a good life amongst the madness? I answer this question with Srećko Horvat on AEWCH 245!

28 Nov

LISTEN VIA SOUNDCLOUD ABOVE OR:  Apple PodcastsSpotifyBreaker Anchor

This podcast is part of my good life, is it part of yours? Does it offer you new ideas or feelings of inspiration? Does it introduce you to new books and thinkers and art and possibilities? If so, do support the show. Let’s connect more to what brings us the good life in what appears to be absolute madness.

Please give a onetime annual or monthly pledge to to connect to and support the show.

AGAINST EVERYONE WITH CONNER HABIB IS EXCLUSIVELY FUNDED BY LISTENERS. There is no other money coming into this podcast, since advertisements from sponsors dont fit with the mission of AEWCH. Additional avenues of support include giving the show a warm review on Apple Podcasts and subscribe to it. You can also buy my novel Hawk Mountain.

We are always in a dance of what is happening in our time and the work of deepening our capacity for life and moving forward and offering what we can offer. There are plenty of questions and considerations of how to approach the political climate. But in the midst of war and the appearances of madness, there are other pressing questions, too. How do we live? How do we have a good life, in all this? How do we approach each day with a sense of curiosity and involvement? After all, without examining that, without thinking about the quality of each day, we have already lost ourselves to the violence and fear.

That doesn’t mean ignoring the world to focus on being happy – that’s just illusory, anyway. But it could mean looking not just into how to resist, but into the creation of good itself. Spending time in proximity to truth, love, wisdom, kindness, as well as righteousness.

I recently got a chance to do this on a short trip to create a few episode of this show. The journey ended in a cold place, the snow covered south of Norway, where I recorded AEWCH 243 with occut practitioner and writer Are Thoresen, and it began in the sun-warmed island of Vís in Croatia, talking to my friend. the philosopher, visionary thinker, and writer, Srećko Horvat.

I am struck, looking back at this short trip, where I encountered completely different views of the world – completely different possibilities of viewing life. These differences were in the landscape, the temperature, the quality of light, the plants and animals, and of course in the conversations. These experiences were not just different from each other – not just warmth and Srećko vs cold and Are – I don’t mean that at all, I mean I saw completely different worlds than the one we normally occupy. More and more, we need to do this, to see and live into new worlds, since the one that is clinging to us, holding on, is creating a tantrum of chaos as we pull away from it.

Srećko is the author of many books, most notably Poetry from the Future: Why a Global Liberation Movement Is Our Civilisation’s Last Chance and After the Apocalypse. He’s also one of the cofounders of the Democracy In Europe Movement 2025, or DiEM2025 – a broad-based coalition of thinkers, rebels, and political theorists committed to creating a true leftist alternative in European politics, particularly in response to the disintegration of the EU.

Now, Srećko, along with Franco “Bifo” Berardi and Pamela Anderson and others has founded The Island School of Social Autonomy in Croatia.

It isn’t just another school. Yes, the content of the school’s efforts are different – they’re about radical philosophy, deep contemplation, openness to complexity and interdependence of disciplines. But it’s also a space and inspiration for a new way of learning altogether; learning by encounter, learning by meeting others, learning by paying attention to new impulses, through teachers that radiate wisdom through being.

We talk about the school, synchronicity, the strength card in the tarot, and how to learn without academic education.

I’n so excited to share this episode with you. It’s one of my favorite conversations – not just on the show, but in my everyday life as well. It indicates how much is available to us in a time of repression, both illusory and real.

Srećko has been on the show twice before, and they are among my favorite episodes. First on AEWCH 107 on which we mostly discussed the mythologies in our world views and language. On AEWCH 143, we talked about liberating time!

I’m back on The Duncan Trussell Family Hour talking Rudolf Steiner and why the esoteric matters now!

22 Nov

I’m back on The Duncan Trussell Family Hour talking to my pal Duncan this time about Rudolf Steiner and Western esotericism and why we need lessons from both in our moment of conflict and violence.

Listen via spotify above or on your fav podcast platform!

It’s definitely one of the best episodes I’ve done with Duncan, andit circles around my upcoming online immersive workshop, 


(follow the link to tickets!)

What can I do in this moment? I talk with Lisa Romero about the esoteric path forward on AEWCH 244!

14 Nov

LISTEN VIA SOUNDCLOUD ABOVE OR:  Apple PodcastsSpotifyBreaker Anchor

Let’s transform money, starting today: By supporting Against Everyone with Conner Habib through patreon, you’re not paying me for my labor, you’re showing appreciation for what this show is and who I am in the world. It’s a way to give that isn’t about work or a fee.

So I ask listeners, if they like the show, to give a one-time annual or monthly pledge to to support this all.

AGAINST EVERYONE WITH CONNER HABIB IS EXCLUSIVELY FUNDED BY LISTENERS. There is no other money coming into this podcast, since advertisements from sponsors don’t fit with the mission of AEWCH.


I’m sure you’ve asked yourself what you can do in a time like this, and whether or not spirituality has anything to offer beyond just an often fleeting sense of calm.

In times of obvious schisms between human beings and their structures there can be a stirring-up of opportunities that only the frenetic and urgent intensities schism times can reveal. In these times, we can see that there have always been many pathways available to us, that we were stuck, that we can be there for each other and dissolve obstruction.

The old tools – that is, the tools we used to employ in a world that did NOT have the same challenges – can still help, but they’ve lost their strength. That includes psychoanalysis for personal development, socialism for economic development, and progressivism as political development.

On this episode, I invited my friend and listener favorite, spiritual writer and teacher, LISA ROMERO onto to the show to answer, esoterically, the classic revolutionary question: What is to be done?

Lisa has been on the show five other times, most recently on AEWCH 224. She’s the author of many books, including Spirit-led Community: Healing the Impact of Technology and A Bridge to Spirit: Understanding Conscious Self-Development and Consciousness-Altering Substances.

Instead of offering vague “just be spiritual!” advice, we try to understand the world situation and see what we can do to approach it spiritually.

In conjunction with this episode here, both Lisa and I are offering upcoming courses. Mine is called OCCULT PHILOSOPHIES: AN INTRO TO RUDOLF STEINER AND THE WESTERN ESOTERIC TRADITION, and Lisa’s is PREPARING FOR THE CHRISTMAS MYSTERIES. Description below.

Lisa is offers courses on the festivals throughout the year. The one happening just after this episode posts is on St. John’s Tide. You can find all that info here. You can also work with Lisa one-on-one here. And if you’d like to check into some of Lisa’s other books, they’re all on here site, where she also has a short audio clip detailing the books and her work. Lisa has also been on the Duncan Trussell Family Hour, my pal Duncan Trussell’s podcast.

To sign up for Lisa’s course, click here.

The description:

Anthroposophy (wisdom of the human being or being human) offers an initiation path to everyone regardless of gender, race or social standing. It is a schooling that we choose today, but it is also a schooling that leads into the future because the future initiations are moving towards being inclusive to all people who seek it. Sophia is a wisdom that is whole and not a “masculine or feminine” wisdom. Rather, it is a wholeness that develops and heals the soul, helping to make whole our life and the life around us.

In our preparation for the Christmas mysteries we will deepen how with the help of Sophia we can birth the new into our lives and the life of the world. We will also explore working with the holy nights towards supporting the year ahead. As the material world rapidly brings into being more and more ways of mechanising our lives,  increasingly drawing humanity away from the spirit, we can helpfully participate in bringing the beacon of divine spiritual light into the life sphere. No matter how dark it gets, the beacon of light needs to be present so that all may have awareness that there is a choice, there is hope!

Starting the first weekend in December and running for 4 weeks, this preparation is open for anyone to join so that together we may help tend and cultivate the light and love in the world.

7 Nov

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Let’s transform money, starting today: By supporting Against Everyone with Conner Habib through patreon, you’re not paying me for my labor, you’re showing appreciation for what this show is and who I am in the world. It’s a way to give that isn’t about work or a fee.

So I ask listeners, if they like the show, to give a one-time annual or monthly pledge to to support this all.

AGAINST EVERYONE WITH CONNER HABIB IS EXCLUSIVELY FUNDED BY LISTENERS. There is no other money coming into this podcast, since advertisements from sponsors don’t fit with the mission of AEWCH.


In times of obvious schisms between human beings and their structures there can be a stirring-up of opportunities that only the frenetic and urgent intensities schism times can reveal. In these times, we can see that there have always been many pathways available to us, that we were stuck, that we can be there for each other and dissolve obstruction.

A world that is culturally, politically, and economically invested in materialism, is going to have a very difficult time looking into the foundations of materialism and its missionary forces of consumerism and scientism. People who do talk about materialism (especially science and medicine) in any sort of critical way can end up reflexively throw away the value that materialism, including materialistic science gives us. Additionally, this throwing-away can show up in immoral ways, like condemning people for using Western medicine, trying to stay healthy using mainstream advice on nutrition, or tending to their community’s needs when it comes to public health.

How do we interrogate the series of knots and ties that bind our ideas of reality together, while at the same time offering understanding to each other (and ourselves!), acknowledging the fact that we are all tangled up in them? And what happens when we start to undo the knots?

Eventually, will we even know the world we’re living in? Will it appear to us even remotely like the one we live in now?

I asked one of my most popular guests back onto the show to discuss all of this, ARE THORESEN.

Are is a writer, teacher, anthroposophist, and accupuncturist. His two most recent books in English are most relevant here, because they both reference the Nordic tradition that includes Vidar and the actual changes in the spiritual world. They are Travels on the Northern Path of Initiation: Vidar and Baldur, the Three Elemental Realms and the Inner and Outer Etheric Worlds and Encounters with Vidar: Communications from the Outer Etheric Realm: From Clairvoyance to Clairaudience. Each draws on Norse mythology and finds where it meets with the Christian mysteries of today.

Are’s previous appearances on the show – AEWCH 116 and AEWCH 205delved into demonology, the Norse gods, the possibility of white magick, healing without translocating a disease (that is, without simply dislocating the disease so that it moves to a different site), and more. This episode is no exception to the rule of range and depth and, quite frankly, the strangeness to our normal sensibilities that talks with Are bring. I don’t highlight the strangeness in any sort of sensationalistic way, but rather to show how different things can get when you start genuinely considering the world from a different lens.

Time, space, physics, science, animal communication… nothing is off the table in this episode.

I hope it enlivens you!

Here’s another interview with Are, in which he goes into the foundational ideas a bit more. And Are’s spiritual autobiography is in the book Transforming Demons: The True Story of How a Seeker Resolves His Karma: From Ancient Atlantis to the Present-Day.

The Mystery of Money on AEWCH 242 with Pilar Lesko.

31 Oct

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Let’s transform money, starting today: By supporting Against Everyone with Conner Habib through patreon, you’re not paying me for my labor, you’re showing appreciation for what this show is and who I am in the world. It’s a way to give that isn’t about work or a fee.

So I ask listeners, if they like the show, to give a onetime annual or monthly pledge to to support this all.

AGAINST EVERYONE WITH CONNER HABIB IS EXCLUSIVELY FUNDED BY LISTENERS. There is no other money coming into this podcast, since advertisements from sponsors dont fit with the mission of AEWCH.

In times of obvious schisms between human beings and their structures can stir up the opportunities that only frenetic and urgent intensity can reveal. In these times, we can see that there have always been many pathways available to us, that we were stuck, that we can be there for each other and dissolve obstruction.

One of our major obstructions: money. Especially since we say money drives so many conflict and power struggles. But is it money that is the problem? Or the economy? Or the form of economics we use? Isn’t it all just numbers moving from one place to another? Oh, and by the way, what are numbers?

These are just a few questions, radical and fundamental, that must be asked to confront the economic realm and one of its main attendants, money.

It is with this sense of investigation that I turn to the occult and esotericism for direction.

And, again, I turn to my favorite money-carer, PILAR LESKO. Pilar leads explorations into money last appeared on the show on AEWCH 210, talking about going beyond money magic to money medicine. We do more of that on this episode, but we also talk about the fixity of numbers, the spiritual reality of geometry, the power of shape (like, square, circle, star… shape!) in economics, and more. This is a deep and – as always with Pilar, hilarious – episode. I know you’ll love it as much as I did recoding it.



MORE ON PILAR Pilar’s hub is her website. Sign up for her excellent (at times hilarious and strange) newsletter. And to truly level up your life, you can consider working with her. She’s incredible.