Archive by Author

The Mystery of Money on AEWCH 242 with Pilar Lesko.

31 Oct

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Let’s transform money, starting today: By supporting Against Everyone with Conner Habib through patreon, you’re not paying me for my labor, you’re showing appreciation for what this show is and who I am in the world. It’s a way to give that isn’t about work or a fee.

So I ask listeners, if they like the show, to give a onetime annual or monthly pledge to to support this all.

AGAINST EVERYONE WITH CONNER HABIB IS EXCLUSIVELY FUNDED BY LISTENERS. There is no other money coming into this podcast, since advertisements from sponsors dont fit with the mission of AEWCH.

In times of obvious schisms between human beings and their structures can stir up the opportunities that only frenetic and urgent intensity can reveal. In these times, we can see that there have always been many pathways available to us, that we were stuck, that we can be there for each other and dissolve obstruction.

One of our major obstructions: money. Especially since we say money drives so many conflict and power struggles. But is it money that is the problem? Or the economy? Or the form of economics we use? Isn’t it all just numbers moving from one place to another? Oh, and by the way, what are numbers?

These are just a few questions, radical and fundamental, that must be asked to confront the economic realm and one of its main attendants, money.

It is with this sense of investigation that I turn to the occult and esotericism for direction.

And, again, I turn to my favorite money-carer, PILAR LESKO. Pilar leads explorations into money last appeared on the show on AEWCH 210, talking about going beyond money magic to money medicine. We do more of that on this episode, but we also talk about the fixity of numbers, the spiritual reality of geometry, the power of shape (like, square, circle, star… shape!) in economics, and more. This is a deep and – as always with Pilar, hilarious – episode. I know you’ll love it as much as I did recoding it.



MORE ON PILAR Pilar’s hub is her website. Sign up for her excellent (at times hilarious and strange) newsletter. And to truly level up your life, you can consider working with her. She’s incredible.

What is spiritual development FOR, anyway? I talk with occultists Alan Chapman and Duncan Barford about destiny, spiritual failure, and the price of exacting your spiritual will on AEWCH 241!

24 Oct

LISEN VIA SOUNDCLOUD ABOVE OR:  Apple PodcastsSpotifyBreaker Anchor

Give a one-time annual or monthly pledge to to support the show.

AGAINST EVERYONE WITH CONNER HABIB IS EXCLUSIVELY FUNDED BY LISTENERS. There is no other money coming into this podcast, since advertisements from sponsors dont fit with the mission of AEWCH.

So I ask listeners if theyd like to support the show by sharing what they can via patreon. Thank you!

In times of obvious schisms between human beings and their structures can stir up the opportunities that only frenetic and urgent intensity can reveal. In these times, we can see that there have always been many pathways available to us, that we were stuck, that we can be there for each other and dissolve obstruction. We can even redeem evil and turn it into the willing service of good.

It is with this sense of possibility that I turn to the occult and esotericism for direction.

The problem is, what are esoteric and occult development, anyway? Are they the same a self development, self help, abundance culture, using magick?

Or are spiritual development and self development quite different? And if so, are they therefore pointing us to two different worlds, two different sorts of being? And where do they touch?

Because spirituality is beyond desire, when we constrain it to desire – and that includes the spiritual paths that include the desire to get rid of desire – we limit the scope of spiritual landscape, the spiritual world, and spiritual truth. Which means we will develop differently.

To discuss this, I asked DUNCAN BARFORD and ALAN CHAPMAN for conversation and contemplation. Duncan and Alan are perhaps best known for the chronicle of their efforts to achieve enlightenment through magical traditions, The Baptists Head Compendium: Magick as a Path to Enlightenment. They now cohost the excellent podcast on magick and spirituality, WORP FM. And Duncan appeared on AEWCH 219 to talk about the misuses of magick, which we touch on again in this episode.

I so enjoyed this clarifying, peace-filled conversation, and I hope you will too.

Duncan’s patreon features plenty of posts to explore. He’s the creator of the now-concluded podcast Hierophany; on which he discusses a different spiritual theme on each episode. He’s also author of many other books, including Occult Experiments in the Home: Personal Explorations of Magick and the Paranormal and The Magick of A Dark Song: The Abramelin Ritual in Fiction and Reality. He’s also appeared on Weird Studies for a great conversation about magick. Duncan is also a counselor; here’s one of his therapy-related articles, on narcissism, in Therapy Today.

Duncan and I met in London at legendary occult bookstore Treadwells to have a conversation in front of an audience about my debut novel, Hawk Mountain. A transcript of that conversation will be available exclusively for patrons.

Alan’s substack is here, with many of his talks, transcribed, and some of his other works as well. His Magia book, and some videos of him expressing what appears in the book, are all on his website. He’s also the author of an earlier book, Advanced Magick for Beginners.

Can esotericism help us in a time of chaos and violence? I talk with Mitch Horowitz about the opportunities of modern occultism on AEWCH 240!

17 Oct



Friends, The time for radical conversations, new ideas, new directions, and pathways to a strange and better world is NOW. Against Everyone with Conner Habib has been offering all that for nearly seven years, and all 200+ episodes are free. Please do SUPPORT THE SHOW.

The only sponsors of this podcast are listeners. There are no advertisements, no support for products. It’s just you and and me and the guests, supporting each other in thinking, feeling, and talking.

You can support the show via a monthly or one-time annua pledge at When you use patreon, you’re not only supporting me, but accessing an economic model that isn’t about paying people for their labor, and instead showing care and appreciation of who they are.

You can also support my efforts by subscribing to the show, giving it a warm review and 5-Star writing on Apple Podcasts, as well as buying my novel Hawk Mountain. THANK YOU!

We are always in a time of chaos and violence. But when we notice it, when we see it, when it’s bubble over into ethnic cleansing or wars or murders; when it seems to us that our governments and institutions are only supporting the chaos and violence, our inner state can shift to the sense that we have no directive power.

At the same time, these schisms between human beings and their structures can stir up the opportunities that only near-schizoid agitation can reveal. We see that there have always been many pathways available to us, that we were stuck, that we can be there for each other and dissolve obstruction. We can even redeem evil and turn it into the willing service of good.

It is with this sense of possibility that I turn to the occult and esotericism for direction. It’s also why the occult so often finds its resurgence in these schism times. Not merely because people feel out of control or are trying to explain things, but because of the occult’s underlying principle that we have the ability to direct our futures. It isn’t just institutions in power that steer the course, but rather each of us and our connections to the spiritual landscape of our imaginations and the way engaging with our inner world gives us access to the entirety of of our world.

To cast a broad net and also to talk some of the particulars, I asked Mitch Horowitz back on the show. Mitch is a scholar, speaker, and the author of many books; but his most recent, Modern Occultism: History, Theory, and Practice, is the most important for the purposes of this episode. In it, Mitch presents a picture of rebels, thinkers, metaphysicians and phenomenologists who have influenced the world and who, taken together, illustrate a completely different direction in thinking, feeling, and action.

It is a direction that offers a radical alternative to the chaos we are in now.

I’m so happy to share this episode with you.


A beautiful book about what culture could be if it embraced real esotericism is Peter Selg’s The Culture of Selflessness: Rudolf Steiner, the Fifth Gospel, and the Time of Extremes. It details the deaths of Hans and Sophie Scholl and the White Rose, who resisted the Nazis.


Mitch has been on the show many times, most recently on AEWCH 200 (part 3) talking with me and Dean Spade about how to mediate political organizing with the new age and new thought movements; and before that on AEWCH 175. Here’s Mitch’s website, And I still absolutely love his first book, Occult America: White House Seances, Ouija Circles, Masons, and the Secret Mystic History of Our Nation. If you want to contribute to Mitch’s efforts directly, here’s his patreon.


3 Oct

The year – the unexpected and strange year! – is coming to a close.

And yet, there are still more surprises ahead.

How do you navigate these last three months of 2023 and stay in your integrity, aimed at your goals, and infused with a sense of direction? Join me for


Y.E.T. is a one-one-one tarot session for Q4. Each session will help you wrap your head around the closing of the year, what to clear out of your life as you enter 2024, what answers may be available to lingering questions and more.

Each 50-minute one-one-one session includes

  • A Q4 Governing Card, drawn for the entire quarter
  • A card for each month of the quarter – October, November, December
  • Time to discuss the reading overall, as well as any specifics
  • A special discussion around your goals for the quarter
  • A look ahead into the new year

This isn’t just a regular tarot reading – although you’ll get that too – it’s a meeting to help you make the most of the last three months of the year.

Bring a pen, paper, and set aside an hour of your time to meet with me and talk about what the tarot decides to show.



To sign up, go to the AEWCH store by clicking here and select the offering. After you purchase the session, you will receive an email from me within 72 hours with scheduling options and information.

ACCESS IS LIMITED. Sign ups start now and go until OCTOBER 12 or until I’ve reached capacity. Please note, for the efficacy of the reading all meetings will take place before OCTOBER 16.
The fee is $ 380.00

If you have any questions not answered here, please email againsteveryonewithconnerhabib at gmail

See you soon,

Earworms, background music, and love songs: Nina Persson of The Cardigans on AEWCH 239!

26 Sep



The only sponsors of this podcast are listeners. There are no advertisements, no support for products I don’t really care about. It’s just you and and me and the guests, hanging out, supporting each other in thinking, feeling, and talking.

Please support this show with an annual or monthly pledge via When you use patreon, you’re not only supporting me, but accessing an economic model that isn’t about paying people for their labor, and instead showing care and appreciation of who they are.

You can also support my efforts by subscribing to the show, giving it a warm review and 5-Star writing on Apple Podcasts, as well as buying my novel Hawk Mountain. THANK YOU!

Following my series of episodes on horror, now we turn to another form of art that plays on in our astral world, that world of emotions and the heart: MUSIC. For a few episodes, I’ll be talking about music with some of my favorite musicians. But these won’t be the standard chats about the latest album or touring; instead, we’ll talk about music itself and how it lives in the lives of these artists, my life, your lives, and life itself.

Each episode will also feature a spotify playlist here in the show notes, with some of my favorite songs by the featured artist. The first episode, AEWCH 237, featured Will Oldham AKA Bonnie “Prince” Billy, and the second, AEWCH 238, Ian Lynch from the Irish trad-meets-drone-and-folk-horror band, Lankum.

This time, I turn to my favorite singer, NINA PERSSON, best known as the front person for the Swedish pop rock band, THE CARDIGANS. Nina is also involved in many other amazing projects, notably A CAMP (with her husband, Nathan Larson) and her recent collaboration with James Yorkston.

Nina is my very favorite live singer, so I am so, so excited to share this episode with you.

In the Round • Love Has Left the Room • Choke • Godspell • Junk of the Hearts • Gordon’s Gardenparty • The Crowning • The Bluest Eyes in Texas • A Good Horse • Mary • Song for the Leftovers • Sometimes • Never Recover • This Is Heavy Metal • Live and Learn • Please Sister • Hey! Get out of My Way • After All… • Carnival • Sam and Jeanie McGreagor • Good Morning Joan • I Can Buy You • I Need Some Fine Wine and You Need To Be Nicer • Dreaming of Houses • And Then You Kissed Me • And Then You Kissed Me II

Nina’s latest project as of this episode is her collaboration with Scottish folk musician, James Yorkston, you can find tour dates and more here. Here’s Nina performing at the Gothenburg Concert Hall with a full orchestra. Here’s an absolutely incredible performance by Nina Here’s a long documentary on The Cardigans – I’m not sure how official it is, but it collages many clips and performances across the careers of everyone in the band. And of course, who could forget The Cardigans on Beverly Hills 90210?

Traditional folk/horror music from the Irish earth – I talk with Ian Lynch of Lankum & Fire Draw Near on AEWCH 238!

19 Sep



The only sponsors of this podcast are listeners. There are no advertisements, no support for products I don’t really care about. It’s just you and and me and the guests, hanging out, supporting each other in thinking, feeling, and talking.

Please support this show with an annual or monthly pledge via When you use patreon, you’re not only supporting me, but accessing an economic model that isn’t about paying people for their labor, and instead showing care and appreciation of who they are.

You can also support my efforts by subscribing to the show, giving it a warm review and 5-Star writing on Apple Podcasts, as well as buying my novel Hawk Mountain. THANK YOU!

Following my series of episodes on horror, now we turn to another form of art that plays on in our astral world, that world of emotions and the heart: MUSIC. For a few episodes, I’ll be talking about music with some of my favorite musicians. But these won’t be the standard chats about the latest album or touring; instead, we’ll talk about music itself and how it lives in the lives of these artists, my life, your lives, and life itself.

Each episode will also feature a spotify playlist here in the show notes, with some of my favorite songs by the featured artist. The first episode, AEWCH 237, featured Will Oldham AKA Bonnie “Prince” Billy.

This time around, it’s IAN LYNCH, founder of traditional weird folk horror band LANKUM and host of the FIRE DRAW NEAR podcast, on which he plays and talks about traditional (mostly Irish) music.

Ian and I talk about how music draws influence from differing experiences of time, from history, from horror and murder, and from resistance, among many, many other things. I loved walking through this landscape with Ian, and there’s so much here for you — passages and tunnels and caves — to explore as a listener, too.

As a little bonus, at the end of the episode I’ve included a version of the traditional song, False Lankum, about a strange murderous creature, the Lankum (also known as Lankin and Lankim), for which Ian’s band is named. It’s a chilling song – in this instance performed by John Reilly Jr.

The Old Man from over the Sea • The New York Trader • The Young People • Go Dig My Grave • The Sea Captain • The Granite Gaze • The Pride of Patravore • On a Monday Morning • What Will We Do When We Have No Money? • The Townie Polka • Nette Perseus • Drinking Song from the Tomb • The Turkish Reveille • Lord Abore and Mary Flynn

Please do support the Fire Draw Near podcast on patreon. It’s a vital offering, and it’s also fun and deep and weird. Here’s a good interview with Ian at the Museum of Literature Ireland (MoLI – where I give my Ulysses reading course). Earlier this year, Lankum were nominated for the Mercury Prize, and gave a powerful performance of “Go Dig My Grave”, which I included in the episode. Here’s that performance and a small write up of it. Here’s Lankum playing “The New York Trader” at the Supersonic Festival. And here’s a write up with some videos on Ian in particular. And if you want to read a book with the appearance of the Lankin throughout, check out John Banville’s excellent book of stories Long Lankin. Finally, you can support Paul Duane’s film, All You Need Is Death (and his filmmaking in general), for which Ian composed a song, here on his patreon.

Will Oldham/Bonnie “Prince” Billy joins me to talk about devotion and music in everyday life on AEWCH 237!

12 Sep



The only sponsors of this podcast are listeners. There are no advertisements, no support for products I don’t really care about. It’s just you and and me and the guests, hanging out, supporting each other in thinking, feeling, and talking.

Please support this show with an annual or monthly pledge via When you use patreon, you’re not only supporting me, but accessing an economic model that isn’t about paying people for their labor, and instead showing care and appreciation of who they are.

You can also support my efforts by subscribing to the show, giving it a warm review and 5-Star writing on Apple Podcasts, as well as buying my novel Hawk Mountain. THANK YOU!

Leaving the series of episodes on horror, now we’ll turn to another form of art that plays on in our astral world, that world of emotions and the heart: MUSIC. For a few episodes, I’ll be talking about music with some of my favorite musicians. But these won’t be the standard chats about the latest album or touring; instead, we’ll talk about music itself and how it lives in the lives of these artists, my life, your lives, and life itself.

Each episode will also feature a spotify playlist here in the show notes, with some of my favorite songs by the featured artist.

To kick it off, I talk with someone who has played so many kinds of music and created so many different sorts of songs. WILL OLDHAM, also known as BONNIE “PRINCE” BILLY, is one of the most thoughtful and prolific musical artists of our time.

If you’re unfamiliar with Will’s output, it comes in many assemblages and sounds and songs across nearly three decades. In his primary body of work as Bonnie “Prince” Billy, but also in dozens of directly collaborative works with other artists like Bill Callahan, Tortoise, Matt Sweeney, Dawn McCarthy, and more. He’s also made multiple albums under the band names Palace, Palace Music, Place Brothers, and more. Additionally, Will has been in movies, TV, music videos, and has written and been featured in several books, including the book of (most of) Will’s lyrics – at turns beautiful, sorrowful, absurd, hilarious – Songs of Love and Horror: Collected Lyrics of Will Oldham.

There is so much in the episode, friends. I am so happy to share it with you, and to start this series.


One with the Birds • Behold! Be Held! • Work Hard/Play Hard • OD’d in Denver • Love Comes To Me • Willow, Pine and Oak • West Palm Beach • Devoted to You • Life in Muscle • Love is the first law • There are worms in your circle • We Won’t Go Quietly • Unlearning Chant • Kidnapped by Neptune • All the Trees of the Field Will Clap Their Hands • Rubin and Cherise • Kentucky is Water •


Here’s a truly great talk given by Will, to young people, via the Louisville Academy of Music (plus a great Q&A). The site with the most info on Will and his various projects is THE ROYAL STABLE , but there’s also plenty on his website and the Drag City (his label’s) page. Along with the huge book of Will’s lyrics linked above, there’s a book of interviews with Will conducted by Alan Licht, entitled Will Oldham on Bonnie Prince Billy. Will also appeared way back on episode 264 of The Duncan Trussel Family Hour. Will’s children’s book, Shorty’s Ark, is a collaboration with Lori Domiano – who also did the illustration you see below. Will’s also in multiple films, including (briefly!) in one of my very very favorites, Junebug. Finally, here’s Will’s 15 favorite movies in the Criterion Collection.

The final episode in my series on horror… It’s me talking about the spiritual offerings of horror!

5 Sep

Apple PodcastsSpotifyBreaker


Advertisements from sponsors don’t fit with the mission of this podcast. So I ask listeners if they’d like to support the show by sharing what they can via patreon. The best way to support this show, my writing, my events & courses, is to give an annual or monthly pledge to You can also subscribe to the show and give it a 5-Star writing on Apple Podcasts, as well as buy my novel Hawk Mountain.

When you use patreon, you’re not only supporting me, but accessing an economic model that isn’t about paying people for their labor, and instead showing care and appreciation of who they are.

Celebrating the release of my novel Hawk Mountain in paperback, I’ve been talking with creators of my favorite genre, HORROR.  Now to conclude the series, I’ve reposted my episode from October of 2022 on the spiritual life of horror. It’s a fitting conclusion to the series, summarizing my contemplation on the genre and what it offers from my spiritual perspective. And it has lots of recommendations for books and films you might not know.

Previous episodes in the series were: AEWCH 235 with C.J. Leede and Paul Tremblay,  AEWCH 234 with John Langan and Sophie White,   AEWCH 233 featured writers Nathan Ballingrud and Sara Gran, and the first was AEWCH 232, with cosmic horror writer and scholar Matt Cardin.

This series of episodes was such an enriching journey through horror and its offerings, thank you for joining me on it.




Art of darkness: On writing horror with Paul Tremblay and CJ Leede on AEWCH 235!

29 Aug



Advertisements from sponsors dont fit with the mission of this podcast. So I ask listeners if theyd like to support the show by sharing what they can via patreon. The best way to support this show, my writing, my events & courses, is to give an annual or monthly pledge to You can also subscribe to the show and give it a 5-Star writing on Apple Podcasts, as well as buy my novel Hawk Mountain.

When you use patreon, you’re not only supporting me, but accessing an economic model that isn’t about paying people for their labor, and instead showing care and appreciation of who they are.

Celebrating the release of my novel Hawk Mountain in paperback, I’ll be talking with creators of my favorite genre, HORROR. There are few genres that have inspired such a furor of regulation, stigma, and anger. Horror is regulated by governments, has been the topic of countless moralistic exams rations and moral panics, has been blamed for disintegrating societies, and more. Horror itself horrifies. And when horror does become accepted, at best it is said by critics to “transcend the genre.” Which means it’s really just transcending the stigma the critics have by re-asserting it. But who am I to talk about beleaguered horror? The fact is, it is also wildly popular. Even a terrible horror movie can be quite popular, and the most consistently bestselling author of all time is a horror writer. What does that mean? Across these episodes, I’ll be talking about horror in its many forms: cosmic horror, body horror, suburban horror, monster horror, possession horror, and more.

Previous episodes in the series were AEWCH 234 with John Langan and Sophie White, AEWCH 233 featured writers Nathan Ballingrud and Sara Gran, and the first was AEWCH 232, with cosmic horror writer and scholar Matt Cardin.

Partially inspired by the 1990 Horror Cafe on the BBC2 featuring Clive Barker, John Carpenter, Roger Corman, Lisa Tuttle, Ramsay Campbell, and Peter Atkins, we’ll be investigating deep questions about horror together, and seeing what unlit paths they lead us down. What is horror for? Why do we condemn it even as we flock to it? What is the horror-nature of being? What happens when the imagination explores the violence, the darkness, and the screaming in the inner landscape and when we conjure it into art?

Writing horror brings in all the elements that we might not want to deal with in everyday life – particularly evil and violence. And it also brings in that aspect of life we have an uneasy alliance and longing for: sex. It’s a lot of un-illuminated corridors to walk down, much less lead others down. As horror writers, we feel our ways through. It can bring nightmares, fear for your own stability, a sense of deep responsibility, and more.

So… of course I wanted to talk about it. That led to my great conversation with a seasoned master of horror and a new and powerful voice: PAUL TREMBLAY and CJ LEEDE!

Paul was last on the show on AEWCH 158 when we did a deep dive into his work. This was, of course, before his excellent horror novel The Cabin at the End of the World was adapted into the film A Knock at the Cabin directed by M. Night Shyamalan. His latest book is a collection of formally experimental, wild, and frighteningly heartbreaking stories, The Beast You Are. CJ is a newly published horror author, whose novel of compulsion and sadism Maeve Fly has been an instant hit, with its shocking blend of Los Angeles pacific vibes, brutal murder, the happiest theme park on Earth, and American psychosis.

This is such a lively and deep conversation, I’m so excited to share it with you.


While it may not seem germane to the topic, AEWCH 130 with Oein DeBhairduin ties into this episode in a crucial way: we talk about the livingness of stories. How do they speak to us? How do they want us to announce them? I think about that in terms of stories of the horrific – what might it mean if horror has its own life?

You should probably go ahead and read Story of the Eye by Georges Bataille which is a massive influence on CJ Leede. Bataille was also a member of a secret sexual/occult/philosophy socity, and that’s detailed in The Sacred Conspiracy: The Internal Papers of the Secret Society of Acéphale and Lectures to the College of Sociology.

For more on Paul, go to his website. Here’s a good interview with Paul at Gridmark Magazine, and another one in legendary horror magazine Cemetery Dance. And my very favorite novel of Paul’s (one of my favorite horror novels!) is the sinister and tragic Disappearance at Devil’s Rock.
CJ is starting a new series of book reviews on her instagram account and on an account with her partner Kyle Kouri. And here’s CJ’s website.

Caretaking horror and “The Vampire Level.” I talk with two masters of horror on AEWCH 234 – John Langan and Sophie White!

22 Aug



Advertisements from sponsors don’t fit with the mission of this podcast. So I ask listeners if they’d like to support the show by sharing what they can via patreon. The best way to support this show, my writing, my events & courses, is to give an annual or monthly pledge to You can also subscribe to the show and give it a 5-Star writing on Apple Podcasts, as well as buy my novel Hawk Mountain.

Celebrating the release of my novel Hawk Mountain in paperback, I’ll be talking with creators of my favorite genre, HORROR. There are few genres that have inspired such a furor of regulation, stigma, and anger. Horror is regulated by governments, has been the topic of countless moralistic exams rations and moral panics, has been blamed for disintegrating societies, and more. Horror itself horrifies. And when horror does become accepted, at best it is said by critics to “transcend the genre.” Which means it’s really just transcending the stigma the critics have by re-asserting it. But who am I to talk about beleaguered horror? The fact is, it is also wildly popular. Even a terrible horror movie can be quite popular, and the most consistently bestselling author of all time is a horror writer. What does that mean? Across these episodes, I’ll be talking about horror in its many forms: cosmic horror, body horror, suburban horror, monster horror, possession horror, and more.

The previous episode in the series was AEWCH 233 featuring writers Nathan Ballingrud and Sara Gran. The first was AEWCH 232, with cosmic horror writer and scholar Matt Cardin.

Partially inspired by the 1990 Horror Cafe on the BBC2 featuring Clive Barker, John Carpenter, Roger Corman, Lisa Tuttle, Ramsay Campbell, and Peter Atkins, we’ll be investigating deep questions about horror together, and seeing what unlit paths they lead us down. What is horror for? Why do we condemn it even as we flock to it? What is the horror-nature of being? What happens when the imagination explores the violence, the darkness, and the screaming in the inner landscape and when we conjure it into art?

You dont have to know much horror or even like horror to follow along with these episodes; because horror locates itself in our lives in many ways – and that’s what I talk about at length in this episode. It locates itself in our lives in histories of violence, and of the supernatural. In our bodies, which in some ways are a site of daily horror. And in our loved ones – in their presence, absence, and our fear of both.

To discuss these sites of horror, I asked two prolific and award-winning writers on the show, JOHN LANGAN and SOPHIE WHITE.

John is perhaps best known for his Bram Stoker-winning novel, The Fisherman, composed of horror stories within horror stories as different characters deal with loss and a grotesque and supernatural presence in nearby waters. He’s also the author of numerous (excellent!) short story collections, the most recent of which is Corpsemouth and Other Autobiographies.

Sophie is the author of the caretaking nightmare Where I End, which recently won the Shirtley Jackson Award. She’s also written a book of horror essays, Corpsing: My Body and Other Horror Shows, both out from Tramp Press here in Ireland.


Speaking of fairies and witches, here’s my discussion with Irish witchcraft scholar, Andrew Sneddon, on AEWCH 186. On the episode, we discuss why what looks like fairies in Ireland might be witchcraft somewhere else and vice versa.

To get an idea of how monsters, tradition, and horror can inhere and explode in a place, read The Burning of Bridget Cleary: A True Story by Angela Bourke – about a woman who was killed by her husband after he suspected her of being a a fairy.

John’s website is here, where, among other things, he reviews other horror writers’ works. Along with the books mentioned above, he’s the author of many others. One of my favorites is The Wide Carnivorous Sky and Other Monstrous Geographies which features a great story about a space vampire.

Sophie’s website is here. And here’s a great interview with Sophie – with the amazing Irish humorist Patrick Freyne. She’s also the co-host of the Creep Dive podcast, which looks at morbid and grim news items with insight and a sense of humor.